The portal

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Kiibo saw a very thin, minecraft portal. "yeah lets go bro" She said, in her head. The portal was.......... Baldi's Funhouse, a sex hellhole. Too bad Nate was already there, searching for Baldi and his little toy. As Nate was walking he felt a someone on his shoulder... It was the principal. "No running in the halls, off to the sex tortutrement for you." "N-ngH! g-gah! F-finally!" Nate whimpered. Kiibo was at the classrooms, dead beaten students were there. "E-escape!" One of them cried. 

Who was that student? Enchanted. Enchanted has very big radiating big boob energy, so big that Baldi failed to torture her. "N-nate...." She moaned. "My love." She then whispered. "You know Nate? The dude that drank his own piss?" Kiibo said. "Yes! We were childhood friends, and we were forced to get married, he's my cousin!" Enchanted happily said. Footsteps were edging near.... it was. Playtime, a naked girl that had ropes tied up so kinky. "P-playtime!" Playtime moaned, forcing Enchanted to suck her nipples. Then, Kiibo took out her love gun and killed Playtime by herself. This alarmed the bell, soon Baldi will find them.

Kiibo and Enchanted ran off as Baldi chased them. Meanwhile Nate is in the funhouse. "A-am I getting fucked in all the positions???" Nate whimpered as the Principal was getting out his sex toys. The Principal of all things took out only a 20 inch fidget spinner and slid it up Nate's ass. "S-so tight!!!!!" Nate moaned. "No moaning in the dungeon, 50% more speed in for you." the Principal warned. Nate cummed within -8.098273 seconds. Nate thought : "Damn, lets moan some more to get even more kinky!" and so Nate moaned even 5 seconds, faster and more sex toys were on him until... The Bully came. 

"So much cum, give me more!" The Bully plead. And so, the Bully took out his 273 foot dick and slid it up to Nate's mouth. The Bully's cum was large, only Nate could give such a kinky, sensitive smooth job on the large dick. Cum filled Nate, and he got pregnant. "DARN, WE GOT ANOTHER ONE PREGNANT!!" The bully said. "A-another one? G-gah!' Nate moaned. The sticky cum was all over Nate as he flinch in pain and love. Once it was all over, He asked where Baldi was, the bully said "Oh, he's just catching 2 more people, here's the camera." the camera was of Kiibo and Enchanted. "N-not my beloved wife cousin and my..... rival?" Nate screeched. He kept making sounds but nobody heard his prayers.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 03, 2018 ⏰

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