Hey guys I was tagged for these 15 facts about myself by Warriorgirl3678, Sadly I don't have anyone on here to tag so I won't be doing that.
But anyway here are some facts about me!!!!!!
1) I mess up my talking... words... stuff....... yeeeaah.......
2) I am already taking a crapton of time to work on this so that should say how impossible it is for me to keep focused on one task.
3) I'm a guy.
4) I work on my archery skills every week.
5) I'm 18 years old (almost 19).
6) Even though most people don't think it when they see me but I flipping LOVE all cute things.
7) Unlike most people say about me I have an immense amount of patience.
8) If someone else feels sad I feel sad 9 out of 10 times too because of that.
9) I don't like it when people compare my present self with my past self and all mistakes I made.
10) I really just need a hug or like a MILLION HUGS!!!!!!!!
11) People always think I look angry but that actually just how my face feels most comfortable.
12) I'm mostly pretty nice and fair to all people I meet, but piss me of and I can be as cold and ruthless as humanly possible (for about 10 seconds XD).
13) I can destroy pretty much anything without even trying (but when I AM trying I'm completely harmless XD).
14) I only read fanfics if I'm: Happy, Sad, Angry, Hungry, Sleepy and... actually I just read it al the time XD.
15) My favorite type of anime is something with human enhancement because I love that kind of stuff (or something with for example: "sped up evolution" in an individual something like that), as long as the explanation is not "it's magic so it can do anything", even magic should have it's limitations! Also I'm rambling now Xd.
Well anyway that was my list and as I mentioned further up the page I actually don't know anyone on Wattpad except Warriorgirl3678, and well she tagged me already so it's kinda hard to tag her now isn't it XD. Also, I highly recommend her story "Hero and pregnant",
Well then..... I don't really have anything else to say...