17. Nandu: Manik i will kill this sewing needle?? ✔️

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2nd month

All are happy that nandu is healthy and having proper food and exercise.

Morning she got up as she felt some cramps in her stomach

It was difficult for her to sleep peacefully becoz of pain.

Manik got up and hugged her.

Nandu angrily: Leave me manik huff its hot inside

Manik in shock: Nandu its winter season and am feeling very cold here....then how could u feel hot

Nandu: Its hot ....manik shut up and leave me

Manik kissed her on lips

Manik: O my angry bull....i know u are not feeling good hm that's why u are doing this drama

He forcefully made her lay on his lap

Manik massaged her head

Nandu: wow Manik thank you for the massage...mm plz continue

Manik pinched her

Nandu: Ouch...what the hell??

Manik: Nandu am not ur servant

Nandu laughed: Husband= Servant ...he he

She slept as Manik give her a soothing massage.....


Week went like this Nandu have cramps in her stomach while sleeping.

She got up and kicked Manik out of bed. Manik was too tired so he didn't even bothered, he slept on floor hugging the carpet

Nandu got up as she got irritated by watching Manik who is sleeping peacefully

Manan opened the door and slept over Manik

nandu: manu why are u sleeping over manik

Manan: MoMA poor papa ....hm u are becoming naughty nowadays.....

Nandu: Ooh so are u in papa's side??

Manu kissed Manik and nods yes

Nandu gave an angry look

Manik: Hey angry bird don't gave this look to my champ

Both son and dad hugged each other.

Nandu went to balcony and inhaled fresh air

She wiped her tears

Nandu pov: Manik am so sorry i don't know why am behaving like a mad lady?? Its my second pregnancy still am acting like first...what's happening to me?? Am i feeling insecure?? By why?? Manik is with me.... gosh i think am becoming mad thinking whether i will loss all this happiness?? Nandu listen don't make everyone sad u are a good girl right?

She took deep breath and called Manik

nandu: gudmorning husband and by baby boy

Manik: Manu i think ur mom is in good mood today

Nandu: Ha mr husband today am in good mood (she blushed)

Manik lifted her up

Nandu: Huffo what are u doing??

Manik: Romance time babes

Manan: Dadui am here....ok ok i will leave but give me kisses


3rd Month

Nandu: Manik how is this dress??

Manik: Ha good nandu is it too tight??

Nandu: Oh so are u going to say that am fat??

Manik: No baby u are too slim (by suppressing his laugh)

Nandu: I hate u

She got ready and went out with manik

Manik: Madam why did u want to shop now that too in this condition?

Nandu: What's the wrong with my condition?? Manik am pregnant thats all

Manik: Ha baby but u need rest

Nandu: Am bored by sitting at home u are not even allowing me to go to orphanage

Manik: Ok i will take u orphanage and ur school tommarow

Nandu: Ok then lets go to kids shop... i need to buy dresses for our baby

Manik: Nandu 7 more months are their...don't be hurry

Nandu: i know Manik still plz plz

Manik: Ok but u have to sit in wheelchair

Nandu: What?? No my elbow crutch is fine

manik: no then shopping is canceled

Nandu: Ok fine i will sit here only....go to hell

Manik: Huff hell?? Ha but u have to come with me

Manik pressed his lips over hers and made her numb

Manan did some shopping as Nandu gave green signal to sit in wheel chair

After that they reached home and had lunch

After some days,

Nandu was busy in talking with manan

Manan: MoMA can my sister hear me

Nandu: u can talk she will hear u

After chitchat nandu went to drawing hall and started her new hobbie sewing dress

For Manan she had made dresses before now she started it again

Manik layed his head on her lap and distracting her

Nandu: Manik plz go na am not able to concentrate

Manik: mm ok i won't distract u

She did her work

Manik got up and made her drink milk.

Nandu is till busy with needle

Nandu: Hey stupid needle why are u not working properly

Manik: Nandu leave it na...lets watch ice age

Nandu: No ....needle its my last working (angrily)

All laughed seeing her madness

Nandu started crying

Nandu: I hate u needle....i hate u ....u are like the old Manik who ditched me before....am again pregnant he will ditch me...i hate u

All stood in numb after hearing her words

Manik was not able to digest the things

Neyo: Manik go to her...she needs u

Manik hugged Nandu but she got fainted

Doc checked her

Doc: Nandini fainted due to stress, her glucose level is very low

Manik: Doc what will i do??

Doc: Make her drink more water, take her out and talk openly....let her be a freebird

Manik kissed her

Manik: Nandini i will clear ur mind...sorry for all my past deeds but now am there to hold ur hand foreever. i will made u understand it soon

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