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You go to school, nothing happens. You miss one day; 7 fights, Tupac came back, school had a blackout, and Rihanna performed in the cafeteria.


Family: Your so beautiful. I bet there are boys asking you out every day.

Guys at school: Go poke it with a stick and see if it bites.


You told me you loved me, and I said it too. The only difference was that I wasn't lying to you.


The awkward moment when you still don't understand someone after they've repeated themselves about four times.


Love me or hate me; your opinion wont make or break me


Ill fake all the smiles if it stops all the questions


Always be yourself.

Unless you can be a pirate.

Then always be a pirate.


When life knocks you down, calmly get back up, smile and very politely say, "you hit like a bitch."


I think part of the reason why we hold on to something so tight is because we fear something so great wont happen twice.


Don't stop when it hurts, stop when your done.


Men don't grow up. They just get bigger.


Life is to short to waste time matching socks.


I wonder how long it will take before people no longer know why we say "roll the window down".


(I just have to say, that the quotes under this A/N are quotes that have helped me when I was suicidal. If you or someone you know needs help, send them here.)


Never let a stumble in the road be the end of the journey.


You were brought into this life because you are strong enough to live it.


Even the darkest nights will end and the sun will come out.


Not caring what other people think is the best choice you will ever make.


The fears we don't face become our limits.


You are not a burden. You have a burden, which by definition is to heavy to carry on your own.


Don't look back. Your not going that way.


The only time you run out of chances is when you stop taking them.

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