Day 1

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When we got to the hotel it was 3:00 in the afternoon.We all decided to go out to chipotle ,so I changed into my pink and purple flowered crop top and my jean shorts with some black vans and my hair in a French braid with a Beanie. And I was ready to go.As we got in the car I felt a clap on my butt that's when I instantly turned around and said "WHAT THE HELL " that's when I. Noticed taylor was cracking up and said that booty doe!So I started to crack we were driving there was a point were every thing was quiet ,and that's when one of my fav songs came on Fancy I just couldn't help but to sing out load and that's when I noticed that every one was laughing at me it was so embarrassing.When we got there ,there was a bunch of girls yelling and screaming coming up to the car but as soon as the body guards came out and bushed the crazy girls away we got are chance to go to the restaurant. After we finished eating we all wanted to go and tour Jacksonville since I am from Cali I have never been to Jacksonville so I was down to tour Jacksonville. After we toured and walked around a bit by the time we got to the hotel it was 11:00pm so I got in the shower right when we got to the hotel .as I was showering I heard a voice singing buck wild so I looked out the shower curtain and that's when I saw taylor taking a piss I yelled at him and he instantly snapped and said "what I couldn't hold it babe" I was shocked ,but going crazy in my head. when I got out of the bathroom I had forgotten my clothes out of the bathroom and that's when I noticed every one was in the room it was so embarrassing since I was in my towel!After I grabbed my clothes I ran back in the bathroom and got changed into my pjs and threw my hair up in a messy bun and left 2 pieces of hair hanging out. when I got out we did some vines and matt cam and Nash did the pickle and waxing leg challenge. and after that we all went to are rooms and went to bed the only thing was who was I going to sleep with? so as every one choose there bed i was the last to pick .Nash and cam sleep in the same bed taylor and matt sleep in separate beds so I had to pick taylor or Matt that's when mat said "I got some room for yah here Bae, so I just to my chance and went to his bed and that's when I noticed matt was in sweets and no shirt that's when I was going bananas! when I turned to my side I felt matts arm go around my waist and pooled me closer and said "sweet dreams beautiful and kissed me on my check and that instantly put a smile on my face!


I instantly felt butterfly's in my stomach I couldn't help but to put my arm around her sexy body !

That's when my lips puckers up and moved towards her check. that's when I fell a sleep felling her warm body up against mine.

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