28. Cheating

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You don't know what to say, your face is blank, you feel empty. Slenderman was shaking. You just caught him doing 'it' with some girl in the woods. You wanted to surprise him but in the end you were the one that got surprised. Slenderman was looked that the grown while the girl was putting her clothes back on. She didn't say anything, just left. "Y-Y-Y-Y/N please let me explain" He begged. He tried to hug you but you stepped back. This caused him a lot of pain. "p-p-please Y/N" he begged. "Say something" He said. You didn't know what to do. You didn't know wither to yell at him, to cry, to scream, but there was only one things you were sure off. You took time to collect your voice. "It's over" You said very softly. Slenderman felt like someone just stabbed him in the chest. "w-w-what" He stuttered. This time you looked at him with tears running down your face. But you still kept a blank face. "It's over" you repeated. Slenderman fell on his knees in front of you, he looked up at you then grabbed your hands. "P-P-please don't, I'm sorry, I'm so sorry, I won't do it again I swear, please"He begged. You can feel his hands were shaking. You didn't dare to look down at him. "PLEASE DON'T LEAVE ME" He screamed as he hugged you tightly. You were so close in breaking down but you didn't want to show him. You pulled your hands away from him, but he just hugged you leg. "PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE" He screamed. Some how you had the strength to pull away. When you did he whimpered. You turned away and walked away from him. Leaving him crying on his knees, wishing that this wasn't happening.

Ben Drowned.
He couldn't do it anywhere else. He couldn't do it in the girls house, a hotel, or anywhere else. He had to do it in your place. You got home to see your boyfriend making out with some girl. When you caught him he didn't even notice you. Which hurt worse that you began to cry a bit, while running you eyes on them. The girl was the one that notice you. Her eyes widen as she pushed Ben away. Ben followed her eyes to where she was looking at. His eyes widen as he saw you. You smiled and looked at the girl. "Do you mind leaving I would like to talk to him" You said. The girl ran out. Once she was out you looked at Ben who wasn't even looking at you. "Why?" You asked. He didn't looked at you. "I ASKED YOU A QUESTION?" You yelled at him. He flinched but slowly lift his head up to face you. He was now tearing up. You waited for his answer, But he said nothing just let a tear fall, this angered you. "WHY THE HELL ARE YOU CRYING I'M THE ONE THATS HURT" You screamed at him. He whimpered. You never yelled at him, this was breaking him. "I-I-I'm s-s-sorry" He stuttered. He was now sobbing. "I love you Y/N" he said as he raised his voice. You looked at him with hurt in your eyes. "Don't lie to me" You said. His eyes widen."I'm Not Li-" "STOP LYING" You screamed cutting him off. You were so anger. You looked at him dead in the eyes saying. "we're over" You hissed. You stepped aside and pointed at the door. "I want you out of my house and I want you to never show your face ever again" You said. "no....no....no no no no no no NO" he cried. You knew how stubborn he was so you left.

Jeff The Killer.
You saw him and a girl having sex in an ally way. You were just walking back home until you heard moaning. You ignored it until you heard Jeff's voice. You stopped dead track and went to the scene. In you mind you were hoping it wasn't him but it was. Sadly it was. you saw them and imminently began to tear up. Jeff notice you and stopped what he was doing. "Y-" You didn't give him time to say anything. You just ran away. You ran and ran knowing Jeff was right behind you. Some how you ended up in the woods. You were getting tired and began to slow down making Jeff catch up to you. He wrapped his arms around you while you tried to get out of his grip. "Let me go!!" you cried but he didn't. "Y/N please let me explain" He begged him making him hold you tighter. "No just let me go" You said now sobbing. Jeff was now tearing up a bit. You began to claw his hands, drawing blood out, but that didn't work. After 10 minutes you stopped struggling. You were breathing fast. You stayed in his arms knowing this would be the very last time. "Its over" you said. Jeff put him head on the back of your neck. You can feel his breath going faster. "No, I won't let" He said. You smiled a bitter smile. "Well its not your decision" You said. Jeff let a tear roll down his face falling on your neck. "I never want to see you again" You said. Jeff's heart break. "Please Y/N I love you." He whispered. Kissed your neck softly. "I love you Y/N please don't leave me" He begged but you just shook you head. "You and I are over" You hissed finally able to move away from him. Jeff knew that he lost you.

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