Chapter 2: A Beginning of Another Mystery

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Webby's POV

Phew! The Della Duck mystery Sure was a doozy to solve! You know, most people tend to rest after solving a case like that.

...Ha! These people are missing the fun!

I love mysteries! They are so thrilling and intriguing! That's why I put the sign up on my room door that read, "Webby Vanderquack: Private Eye!"

...Was that title too cheesy?

Anyways, I'm now sitting on my bed, waiting for my first client. I seriously hate the waiting process because, well, it's just not fun!

It took me a few minutes to wait before my first client walked in. It's the duck with a green hoodie.

Wait a minute... LOUIE!

I jumped out of my bed excitedly and hugged him. "Louie! What brings you here?" I asked him after hugging him. Louie sighed as he said, "I need your help. I'm trying to find a way to bring Lena back." I gasped after hearing his predicament. "Lena's still alive?" I questioned, close to tears after hearing that there might be a possible solution to bring my best friend back.

Louie nodded. "Yeah. I'm getting some sort of strange feeling that she might be still alive. I don't know what caused it though..." He answered. "Well, have you felt some sort of shiver that ran down your spine?" I asked in a detective fashion. "It's either that or Scrooge has invested a lot of money in air conditioning." Louie replied while shrugging.

"Ooh! That's one sign. Ok, did you ever get the feeling that your shadow is always doing their own thing?" I asked again. "I have always felt this way, but I think it might be literal this time..." He responded, a bit uneasy.

I felt more and more convinced. "One more question... Have you ever seen messages appear out of nowhere?" I asked. Louie looks shocked as he said, "Actually, yeah... I was in the living room, watching TV. There are all sorts of papers with letters on them all over the floor. Don't ask, Huey wrote the letters on the paper for some badge or something. Anyways, the papers suddenly arranged themselves to spell out a message."

"Whoa... What does the message say?" I wondered. "It said, 'Hello, Louie.' Isn't that shocking?!" Louie said with a flabbergasted expression.

That definitely confirmed my theory. I prepared myself to give Louie life-changing news. "That is quite shocking, but not as shocking as the answer itself. Louie, Lena is your shadow." I said with utter seriousness. Louie just stared at me. I couldn't tell if he's very relieved or shocked.

"...R-really? How?" He finally replied after what felt like a minute of silence. I can see some of the tears forming in his eyes. I think he might cry tears of joy.

"Well, a shadow is like a ghost. That's why you felt some unusual chill atmosphere. And your suspicions about your shadow seemingly doing its own thing are not unjustified because Lena literally left a message in front of you! That means she's still alive!" I explained excitedly.

"YAY!" Louie literally jumped with cheer after exclaiming this. Then he stopped as he looked confused. "Wait, wouldn't Lena be in your shadow though? Since you and her are best friends and all?" He questioned.

That got me thinking. Then I said, "Oh, I think I know why! When we were having a big dinner, you hugged me to comfort me. Of course, Dewey made you do it because you're lazy, but still, it's the thought that counts. Anyways, while we were hugging, I think Lena transferred from my shadow to yours!"

"Wow! I think that actually might have happened... I felt some strange and chilling sensation while hugging you, so it must have been that." Louie added. "Now that we know that Lena is alive, how do we bring her back to her normal form?" He looks at me, expecting an answer.

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