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 ray:did you ever think about anything else before all of this the death just every thing


ray;and wat was that



ray:wat u mean us alex

alex:i mean even thou i've been everywere else i mostly thought about well you then kay popped back up and now its like idk im just lost

ray:you dont have to be lost just follow your heart then chose were your heart belongs  its hard but it worth it



ray looked at me and i got lost in his eye 

alex:you should go see wat she wants ray

ray:ight cya alex


ray walked out and shut the door

prince walked in oh please tell me he didnt hear that

prince:wats wrong babe

alex:nothin just thinking

prince:bout wat babe

Alex:us my siblings James just everything

prince:well start off with the easiest thing and work your way up love it'll work out

alex:well? um nvm I just want to sleep right now OK

prince:oh um alex

Alex: yes Jake

prince:um I *sighs*I know i love you but I'm not in love with you I'm sorry i thought you were the one but I only think of you as my best friend can you forgive me

Alex: yea I can i felt the same way

prince:we OK i mean as friends and all

Alex:yea we cool

and with that prince walked out and was left by myself with no one to talk to Kay would try but I ignored her truth is im in love with ray i told her and tada she magically end  up with him bitch ass twin right but my first love was ROC idk wat to do like ray said i have to follow my heart and my heart said roc but my mind said ray and the strange thing is I don't want either of them i just want every thing to be normal  so I started packing me and aj's stuff after that I was done I walked down stairs with sweat pants a hoddie and my checkered vans, and me and aj's bags

diggy:were you going

Alex:I'm done I can't do this im leaving

diggy:what! no you can't just up and leave after all of this shit happened

Alex:its not like I want to but I'm making this desion  for aj she needs a stable home

diggy: so your just gonna leave

Alex:look I'm making this choice for my own reasons OK

diggy:Alex please we can fix this

Alex:Daniel listen I'm only gonna be gone for awhile OK you can see aj anytime but u have to leave

everyone walked down stairs DJ didn't look at me but Kay looked pissed

Kay:so you crushing on ray now

Alex:I was now I'm not get over it

aj:uncle prince


aj:your awesome

Alex:come on aj

prince:ty aj , Alex were are you going

Alex:I'm leaving

Kay:your a scary bitch you know that

I dropped everything

Alex:say it again I don't think I heard you right

Kay:bitch I didnt stutter

i swong and hit her in her face she fell on her butt

alex:stay down and cry bout it how

I grabed my stuff and threw it in the car I walked back inside grabed aj stuff threw it in the car I turned around and saw aj crying with diggy holding her

aj:mom do I have to go

I sighed


aj:can I stay

Alex: yes

I took her bags out put them down then got in the car I plugged in my phone and played part 2 on the run by jay z


Alex:I have to

I started the car

Alex:watch after her Daniel

diggy:of course I will

I looked at the group I saw DJ stair at me I staired back

I felt lost I know he felt like he found something

a tear rolled down my cheek I looked away and drove off I left everything behind me even my child  and the strange this is I'm pregnant again with ROC's baby  I made a u turn  and raced back to the house u banged on the door to see him to see chresanto the one my heart wanted

roc: al-gco

I kissed him

Alex:I love you

ROC:smiled and picked me up

i love you too