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hey guys and gals
you all suck
but read anyway

hey guys and gals you all suckbut read anywayily

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Their heart thumped in accordance with slow, shallow breaths. Serenity was plastered across the couple's face as they slept. At peace, their consciousness swirled in the land of dreams, oblivious to the physical world, when in reality, they're limbs were tangled with each other as they laid across Chaeyoung's bed.

Lisa and Chaeyoung had been together since September, which was almost two months ago. November was soon ending and the days slowly turned colder with snow falling from the sky and winds blowing without any sense of heat in the process. And had been a week Lisa had spoken with her dad about her stupid arranged marriage and the blonde was trying to stall it as much as possible.

Today was the day she was supposed to meet up with her fiancé. She and Taeyoung were supposed just meet each other and talk about how they would set up the marriage and whatnot like the house the two would be living in, as she heard from her father. Lisa knew Taeyoung protested as much as she did, knowing that Taeyoung was one for sentimental feelings and fragile emotions. She knew he wanted to find someone he loved to marry but in those situation and with their families ruining their future at the same time, that just wasn't the case.

This morning, Lisa had awoke with a headache etching in her brain. She laid on her back staring up at the dim ceiling with the faint ball of sunlight coming through the windows. She couldn't stop thinking about the whole situation and how she would've explained it to Chaeyoung. Lisa was scared about was she would say. Lisa feared even worse that she would break up with her after everything good that had happened between them.

Letting out a frustrated sigh, the blonde carefully rolled onto her side and looked at Chaeyoung. The only movement was the slight rise and fall of her chest, laying there, still asleep with her mind filled with whatever she was dreaming about. It was almost hard to believe that this peaceful girl was the same girl that would complain constantly about not having food all the time. In her sleep, Chaeyoung was angelic—her face as fresh as a dew drop, making gentle snuffling noises as she breathed in and out.

Wanting nothing more than to curl up into the curve of her body, Lisa turned and moved forward, pulled the blanket up over their. shoulder after placing a soft kiss on Chaeyoung temple.

Unfortunately, Lisa had failed to let her girlfriend sleep, watching as Chaeyoung's eyes fluttered open with a soft moan coming from her lips. Lisa raised her eyebrows in surprise, making eye contact with the girl who had just awoken.

"Hm, good morning," Chaeyoung whispered lowly in a raspy alto, almost failing to carry her heavy eyelids.

Lisa felt her heart throb in her chest, listening to how Chaeyoung had sounded right after she had woken up. The raspiness of her voice, which was very rare to hear, made her weak in her knees—thank god she was laying down.

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