5: Work Picnics

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"Babe? Baby?"

Aubrey sat on the edge of Kai's bed, her lower body angled away from it and her back against the headboard as she stroked his head. She was never a fan of brute wake ups. She never screamed or dragged him out of bed, but spoke softly to him and eased him out of his sleep.

She felt him slowly coming to. It was crazy how in tune she was with him. She noticed all the small things. The subtle twitch of his index finger, the slight change in his breathing, and the crinkle that slowly appeared on his nose. They were all signs that he was waking up.

"Ahhh, you're waking up," she said in a sing song whisper.

"Mmm," he groaned, rolling over on his side.

"Come on babe, I didn't even wake you up for the run today."

He coughed a few times before continuing in a croaky voice, "I think I'm sick, mommy."

"Awww my poor baby." She pulled him into her arms and cradled him, his back pressed against her abdomen. "Want me to give you some medicine?"

"No. I'm allergic, remember?"

She chuckled softly. He was no where near allergic to medicine. The last time she gave him medicine, he fussed and cried so much that he ended up throwing everything back up, but allergic he was not.

With another chuckle, she began, "Babe--"

"Mommy please."

The cracking of his voice and the soft shakes of his body ripped through her like a searing pain. It took her a minute to respond. Her mind went completely blank, and all she could think about was her child's anguish.

"Hey. Hey what's wrong?"

She turned him around to face her.

He was hiding his face behind his arms and sniffling as he tried to get the words out. "I don't want to go to-to-to sch-school today."


"Because," he drew in a few quick breaths before continuing, "because no one," he gulped, "because no one's going to take me to breakfast."

"What?" Her brows furrowed in confusion. What the hell did he mean no one w- realization quickly dawned on her, and she felt her heart break even more.

People were right. Having a child had to be one of the biggest blessings ever, but having a child with the wrong person could also bring on some of the worst heartaches.

He didn't want to go to school because it was Father Take Your Kids To Breakfast Day. It was on her mind for an entire week when she first got the notice. She had even gone out to a costume store and bought a tapered afro wig and a mustache. As time went on, she had forgotten about it and thought he did too.

She opened her mouth to respond, but quickly closed it shut when nothing came out. When she felt a tear roll down her cheek, she leaned her head back to prevent the rest from falling. She couldn't believe it. She couldn't think of one thing to say. After all the nights she stayed up coming up with all the right words to say to him the next time this topic came up.

"I--" she began at the same time as he said,

"You said you don't talk to him anymore, but maybe Siri can find his number. Maybe we can just call him one time so he can come, and then we don't have to call him again."

He cocked his head back and looked up at her with pleading eyes. She felt like the wind was knocked out of her. She hooked her elbows in the crevice of his armpits, brought her hands up to cradle his head, and rested her head against his.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 16 ⏰

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