raglak os

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❤Happy birthday to you
Happy birthday to you
Happy birthday dear monu
Happy birthday to you❤

Happy birthday dear Mounikajaanu2002 🎂🎂

Here is an os on our favourite raglak. This is not something diffrent but I hope you will like it.

So lets start.

"A mansion was shown where a girl and a boy was standing before a woman and were talking something"

"Boy:Aunty as you know I'm going out for some days for some work. And my sister has come today only to meet me from my town. So now I can't leave her alone nor I can cancel my trip. I have to go there it's urgent. So will you plz take care of her till I come back. He asked politely while the woman smiles"

"Woman:it's ok abhi you don't need to ask me like this. You are my laksh's best friend just like him you are for me... just like my son. So no need to worry I will take care of her. She will stay with us. Ap said looking towards the girl smiling"

"Abhi:thankyou so much aunty I was really worried about her. Now I can go without tension. He said smiling"

"Then he turned towards the girl"

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"Then he turned towards the girl"

"Abhi:now you will stay here so no masti and don't trouble aunty understand. Take care. He said and huges her while girl smiles hugging him back. After that abhi leaves from there biding bye to ap and his sis. Abhi sits in his car and started driving out side the mansion. Just then a car enterd in the mansion and the person inside it looked at the car going. The person stopped his car infront of the mansion and came out of the car and revelved to be laksh.

"Laksh looks at abhi's car trying to stop him but he was gone so he also goes in the house. He came in and find ap in hall. She also looked towards him."

"Ap:laksh you here this time. She said confusedly as he never come at home when he is on his work. At his duty as he is a police inspector. A rude one"

"Laksh:ya maa I have come to take a file. But what abhi was doing here? He asked with confusion"

"Ap:actually laksh he is going out for some days and his sis was alone here and new in this city so he came here with his sis so I said she can stay here till he comes back. She said smiling. While he just nodded without giving any interest and left to his room while ap looks on sadly"

"At laksh room he opens the door of his room and came in but suddenly he got angry and came in furiously gritting his teeth. As he finds a girl standing in his room infront of the open cupboard. He was really angry seeing someone in his room that to cheaking on his personal stuffs. He hold the girls arm roughly and turned her around with a force"

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 26, 2018 ⏰

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