Chapter 1

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So my story begins. To you, at least, since my story has been going on for thirteen years. But this story starts a month ago, in June, before I got so depressed. Life is good at the beginning of summer, just like life is good when you're five, eating an ice cream cake. Screw that, life is still pretty damn good when you're eating an ice cream cake. Back to the story though; it started with echoes and staying up too late. All the mirrors showing me; not looking so great, it being 4:21 in the morning. So basically my life at 4 am is blasting music and trying to focus on staring at the ceiling, imagining scenarios in which I date Logan Lerman, or Nat Wolff, or any other perfect boy. Why describe what I feel though? It doesn't change any feelings, or anything, right? I don't even know what I'm talking about. And then the most amazing thing happens. Nothing. Everything is silent for 12 seconds. It felt as if the whole world went still. And then Kenzie group texts me:

Kenzie: guess what!!??

Sarah: what!?

Kate: wtf

Kenzie: 5sos tickets.

Sarah: oh my god...........!!!!!!! :D

Kate: wtf am I effing dreaming I think I am wtf wwwwwwwwwww

Sarah: are u ok?

Kenzie: she's fine just fangrling

Kate: wtf wtf wtf wtf wtf

Kenzie: ok kate calm down

Sarah: yeah u gotta b calm if we're gonna sneak back stage!

Kate: yes!!!! effing yes!!!!

Kenzie: wait what

Kate: heck yeah! heck yeah!

Kate: f yeah!!!!!

Sarah: who will drive us there?

Kenzie: idk yet it's in NY

Kate: my friend Lauren could take us, she has a horse show in NY! no moms!!!!

Kenzie: well we still have yo wait a month

Kenzie: *to

Sarah: lol yo

Kate: lol

Kenzie: ok goodnight

Sarah: kk byeeee

Kate: rofl night


So there's that to be excited for.I'm not going to fangirl because I already have enough obsessions. Don't go thinking I'm one of those pretty girls who doesn't think she's pretty and ends up with the famous boys. I'm decent looking. The only thing I find beautiful about myself are my eyes. Looking in the mirror right now though, I want to break it. To scream profanity at the shards of glass and tell myself why people hate me. Explain why I know what I'm doing, when I have no clue. To write words that will last forever, to believe in myself, not the fake person I let everyone except my friends and family see. I don't even let my friends or family grasp at the whole me that they would never understand. Let me tell you how I feel about my life half the time. It's like falling down a well, only instead of water, it's full of stars and words and pictures. Made of memories. as you try to look up, it's all blurred, and as you fall deeper, eventually the top of the well is nothing but a bright blur, and will fade to a dot and then darkness. But I'm falling faster, with more space, so everything blurs, but is in the same amount of time. Faster and faster and I feel as if I will just fade....


Sleep. Thank God. I was getting insane. I don't even know, one second I was finishing texting, the next I was talking about nothing. That happens a lot.

I just don't know. One thing I do know is that I am going to watch a movie now. Netflix here I come. which one should I watch...... I know, 'beware the gonzo' ! If you have not seen it, you should, it's really good. Then I reread one of the PJO series books. And I stare at the mirror I wanted to break. And stare at my toys. So I choose to ignore my weird mirror obsession, and continue the story of my barbie dolls' lives that have been on pause for 7 months now. And maybe I'll tell you about them later. If you choose to listen.


A/N: So how did you like the first chapter? And no, this is not a 5sos fanfiction, I just think they are totally awesome, and this story needs some excitement, so they will go to a 5sos concert and try to sneak in the dressing room. And sorry, but the character does have the same name as me in this story, because I like my name. Tell me what you want to happen! I need ideas! Hope you enjoyed the story! -Kate

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