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" I'm taking you in" , Tina said after a bit of silence .

Did she hit her head or something , she was no longer an Auror. Before I could even comment Newt was already asked a question.

"Taking me in where", Newt was shocked
"Magical Congress of the United States of America" Tina says as she reveals her long badge.
"So you work for MASCUA" newt replied with a hint of realization.
" we both do" I replied
Tina gives me a thankful smile for not ratting her out.

ya she owes me for this.

"what are you both , some sort of investigators" newt asked a bit astonish , well I thought It wasn't a big deal , but I realized that the security in America was very different compared to everywhere else.

"At least tell me you took care of the No-Maj" Tina's eyes looked from Newt and then to me
"Ummmm , ya about that" I said rubbing my neck and looking everywhere besides her quickly pushing my glasses up the bridge of nose.
"The what" Newt asked
"The no-maj......No magic the non-wizard!"
"Oh. Sorry, we call them Muggles"

Yes finally someone who is like me

"You wiped his memory right", Tina started to look frantically between Newt and myself.
"The no-maj with the case?"
"Um....." how can I tell her this?
"Oh..." Newt was also a bit guilty
"That's a Section 3-A, Mr. Scamander, I'm taking you in......both of you"
"Excuse me , why me?"
"Because you didn't obliviate him"
"Well sorry I was kinda busy chasing a Niffler, trying to stop the exposure of the wizarding world "
She grabbed our arms and we apparated to the building where I work.

Oh crap I forgot my meeting this morning , oh I'm so dead.

We ended up apparating across the street from the MACUSA building.
."come on"  Tina said as she took both mine and Newts arms and pulled us to cross the street towards the building.
"Er....S-sorry but I do have things to do ,actually"

So do I Newt so do I

"Well" Tina scoffed "you will have to rearrange them!"
My curiosity over took my sense of judgment and before I could realized what I was doing , I ended up asking Newt.
"What are you doing in New York anyway"
"I-I came to buy a birthday present"
"And you couldn't do that in London" Tina asked a bit skeptical , I wouldn't blame her , for I was also feeling the same way.
"There's only one breeder of Appaloosa Puffskeins in the world and he lives in New York , so no."
Tina was leading Newt and I towards the door where a guard was in-front of.

"I got a section 3A"
The guard looks at her then at us and opens the door allowing us to go through.

"Hey by the way we don't allow the breeding magical creatures in New York , we closed that guy down a year ago" I informed newt

The building we entered through was enchanted , so basically if a person were to go through any other door besides the one we just went through they go into a normal working business area , basically it looks normal for muggles.

But if you go through a specific door which is guarded ,you go into the magical place that is MACUSA , with it's busy work schedules and strict rules.

Yay , if you didn't pick that up ,it was sarcasm

But the architecture of MACUSA is amazing as you go up these stairs there is a huge clock hanging from above that indicates the secrecy of the wizarding world, I think , I'm not entirely sure about it's purpose.

On all four sides of the giant open building there are windows going all the way up far further than the eye can see. Once you get up the stairs to get to the main floor , and let me tell you this there are a lot and I mean a lot of floors.

Always ~Newt Scamander ✔️Where stories live. Discover now