Poetry and Rhymes

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*Logans pov*


I made her cry...all i wanted to do was wrap her in a hug and tell her every things ok but i couldn't because i did that to her ,i made her cry..she hates me i put her through that and she just expresses her story to me...she also expressed her feelings..and now i feel like a idiot i heard her and her mum talking upstairs and i regretted what i said every word but....i just don't understand how im going to make her listen or heaven knows even look at me , talk to me or be near me.


*Next day in English*

I saw her she was sat there , her hair let down and curled i could smell her perfume from here ....roses she smelt of roses and i loved it...i made my way to sit next to her but Madeline , Rachel , Lucy and Yasmin all gathered around her. "Sorry this tables full bye" Yasmin made a pout face and waved at me.

I sat behind her in class "Alright class before we start i need to make a announcement our newest student Sophia James made a new high score in this years English exam" cheering and clapping filled the room.

"Alright alright settle down! Sophia i would like to ask you something would you maybe be able....to tutor Mr Matthews his Mother called and said she wasn't happy with his report so Mr Matthews you would some how make this arrangement with Sophia if you do not show up you will be scraping gum off the tables till the end of term is that understood?" YES THANK YOU SIR!!!! "Yes sir" i nodded "Miss James ,there will be extra credit for you and this will go on your record" He nodded "But sir im not reall-" She raised her hand "Miss James, you will be doing you and Mr Matthews a favour" He raised a eyebrow she sighed in defeat "Fine"

At the end of English i went to catch up with her but her friends stepped in the way "You touch her i will break your hand!!!" Yasmin shouted "Omg girl you so good at this" Madeline high fived Yasmin.

They walked away all except Lucy who stood there twirling her hair and staring around the room "Lucy....what are you doing" i questioned her "OH YEAH dont touch her!" She then turnt round and looked around like she had just noticed everyone was gone she then ran out of the room. I walked out of the room to see Sophia and her friends but Sophia was just sat on the floor not taking any notice to what was going on while her friends chatted i wanted to go up to her so badly and just hold her...but i knew i couldn't.

You messed up bad

Shut up i know i did

Get her back think of something!

Cant you see im trying to!!

....im going mad im talking to myself ...anyway i had a plan for tonight when i go to hers to be tutored.....


*Sophias pov*

....Great the one guy i don't want to see is coming over to be tutored by me..i set up my pencils ,pens and paper.....i looked in the mirror ...i looked like a wreck. I brushed my hair till it wasn't static any more and looked like i had stuck my head out of a window of a moving car.

I had my denim shorts on and my blue and white off the shoulder top on , i had my high top converses on and my hair down. I wasn't in the mood to dress up for him...he didn't deserve it.

There was a knock at the door and my mum came in "Honey...someone's here to see you" Her eyes were fixed on Logan he came in and sat next to me he put his backpack down and then smiled at me i looked away and looked at the blank piece of paper and my books "Thanks mum" i smiled at her and she gave me a knowing look the look was called 'i'll kill him' she closed the door and i turnt back in my chair.

"So first you need you pencil case..or pen and pencil and a bo-" is started off but Logan interrupted me "Sophia listen i-" "I don't want to hear it you came here for one thing and that is to be tutored now lets just get on with it....please" i whispered "No Sophia listen to me please i just want to say sorry.." he took my hand but i snatched it away.

"What so you can tell me your lying? that you don't mean anything? well im not falling for it again ok its not going to work ...now open your book" He just sighed and opened his book. "Ok so were gonna start with poetry that will just help and yeah..." I couldn't be bothered.. really "And yeah ...really?" He smirked "Shut up Logan i would rather be spending my Tuesday watching a film but no i have to tutor you because your a lazy ass!" Oh that felt good.

"Ok so you can base poetry on a lot of things like feelings you can also add rhymes to it so it gives it more rhythm" I looked at him...his hair was messed up and one of the strings on his hoodie was longer than the other...he bit his lip as he wrote the sentence down."Ok now try and give me a sentence that rhymes" I looked up to see his piercing blue eyes looking into mine. "Yeah ok.... i am incredible sorry and im starting to worry I've lost the girl who made my heart swirl....this girl...was my whole world" I stared at him...wow... "...Ok so write that down as a example and then we can expand on that you just add feeling so tomorrow come back with some feelings , notes ect." i was still staring at him..."What else do you want me to help you on?" i suddenly looked at his knee it was touching mine..."I need help on expanding words" he was whispering "..Ok so give me a word" i coughed "Love" he came back instantly "trust" i came back he raised his eyebrow "risks" he was moving closer "chance.." "possibility" "fear..." "worry" "scared..." "terror" "you..." He laughed

"Me?" i nodded "yes you" he leant forward "what's terrifying about me?" i found my face closer to his i didn't answer "Here's another world for you to expand on "You" i was confused "Me?" he was inches away from my face "Together.." he was about to kiss me when Skylar ran in her mouth dropped into a O "Hey Skylar...." She was hesitant but then suddenly ran up to Logan and hugged him Logan looked at me in surprise i nodded my head and mouthed 'be nice' and then it shocked me he hugged her back and picked her up and put her on his lap now my mouth was in the shape of a O but then it shocked me even more.

"Wow!!! i love your top its so pretty!" he pointed to the sparkly pineapple on her t shirt "Thank you Sophia got it for my birthday" she grinned "Well Sophia has good taste in clothes doesn't she" He looked at me and winked i gave him a straight face but looked away.

He whispered something to Skylar then all of a sudden i was on the bed and being tickled i started laughing my head off "Logan stop it you too Skylar!!" I was laughing and crying "Should we stop Skylar?!" i heard him ask "NOPE" i heard her scream and all of a sudden i was being tickled again. "Well well what do we have here" All of a sudden the tickling stopped i looked up to see my mum standing there arms crossed and against the door frame and her newly plucked eyebrow risen.."Uhm nothing" i got up and Logan walked over to his bag and put the books into his bag "Ill urm see you at school tomorrow?" "Maybe...maybe not" I rubbed my arm "Okay..well ill see you at school then!" He smiled and then kissed my cheek he made his way out the door but then turnt around and waved at Skylar "See you soon kiddo" then turnt to my mum "Uhm See you around Mrs James" and with that he was gone....

My mum looked at me "You have a lot of explaining to do" ....uh oh.

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