History Repeat

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Note: Hello dear readers this is my last chapter for this last series and I am sorry that it will have to end soon but I have nearly lost interest with it and I am having trouble with school that I had to put on hold the other incomplete stories.

Hopefully you had fun reading this as I had fun making this for you.


She was always the little black sheep in her group and that was what she always believed it would be.

Her family never treated her differently though but they would sometimes cast glances at each other whenever she would do something that a young girl like her cannot do.

It was official, she was a weirdo.

Ever since she was young, her mother would tell her that she would catch her drawing about monkeys and soldiers and someone that she knew she had a connection with.

She never knew him, only his eyes.

What really baffled her is the intense feeling of warmth every time she sees him in her dreams.


Today, they had planned to go out on a picnic near the Redwood Forest and it seemed an ideal place for her to continue her drawings, maybe find peace and tranquility in there.

"Alright boys! Help me with all these stuff your ma brought"

She heard her elder brother groan out in annoyance and she held back a giggle before telling her mother that she will just be out on a walk somewhere in the woods.

"Be careful then, I heard there are some sightings of humanoid apes with spears and whatnot in this area"

As usual, she disregarded her mother's statement and went deeper into the woods, finding a place for her to rest and bask in the quietness and stillness of the world.


He wasn't one for being wary but the sight of a human vehicle near his home made him wary as he counted down how many in sights and was relieved to see only a few.

Probably a small family.

He gaze swept to the girl as she walked into the woods and he got the strangest sense of familiarity in her steps as she headed deeper.

He watched as she sat down on a fallen log and sighed before looking around and proceeded to draw on her book.

What surprised him was that her drawings consisted of his family's origin and wgat really scared him was how accurate her drawing was.

Though he was confused when he saw only the draft drawing of his great great great great great great great great great grandparents.

Her gaze rested on that particular drawing and he was beginning to see the lines of frustrations on her face when an ominous howl made him snap his head to the direction a pack of wolves were heading.


Her whole body tensed up when a series of growls and snarls from wolves were everywhere coming from her direction.

Why did I not listen to ma when she said to be careful?!

A pitiful whine she realized that came from her throat made her wince when she was staring at the bloodlust eyes of a wolf.

Great, she could tell that male's an alpha.

Slowly making herself small as possible, she decided to make a break for it when all the paths were blocked by the wolves surrounding her.

Clutching her drawing tight, she made a final prayer to the heavens a above and closed her eyes as her fate was sealed when the wolves pounced.

Only for her to hear an angry shriek that was neither human nor wolf.

With her moth gaping, she watched as a humanoid looking ape jumped down from the trees with a spear on his hand and motioned for the wolves to back off, teeth open and he was snarling.

The wolves growled for this foolish animal that dared interrupt them of their meal and began to slowly advance on him. She knew he was outnumbered and they probably won't survive but her unlikely savior knew the beasts his family had hunted all his life.

If the alpha was killed, no doubt the pack would fall.

She watched with undying awe as he smoothly and sometimes roughly attacked the alpha of the pack abd the rest of the wolves stood in the sidelines not wanting to interfere a battle for power and for the life of the female.

She felt her body grow tense when the wolf bit down on the ape's shoulder, finding a sharp rock, she chucked it at him before the ape swiftly pierced it's stomach and they both watch it wiggle before it went still.

The howls soon followed before she watched the wolves disappear from the fog.

"Thank you for the help..."

She said weakly before taking note of how regal looking his stance was when he straightened up. She had heard of humanoid apes that had the brain cells of a human yet their appearance were that of an ape.

She never saw one until now.

The ape turned to look at her and she was suddenly assaulted by a brief flash of images she knew she never saw before.

A sanctuary.

A war.

His eyes.

Then nothing.

Emerald orbs clashed into Jade ones as the two stood still in shock silence as the world around them vanished and the only thing shining between their eyes was only one thing.


"It's....it's you..."


A young woman stood out in a field of flowers as she stared at the man...no...ape before her.

"Nothing will keep us apart for our love is eternal. We shall see each other again, be it this life or the next"

That was all she said before he disappeared before her eyes and she was left alone in the fields with the only reminder of him is the necklace he gave her.

"Until next time Caesar..."

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