Chapter four: Whiskey barrels and Shotguns

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The afternoon sun beat down on us as we walked to the large black barn. A tour group had just passed by and once they disappeared around the corner Eggsy and I walked up to the door and I tapped my glasses to have the door scanned and found something that truly surprised me. I slowly bend down and rested one knee and laughed slightly as I placed my watch under near the handle of the door to see a blue beam hit my watch.

" A Biometric scanner... what are they hiding?" I asked myself and heard a click knowing I had opened the door. Eggsy helped me pull open the door and Merlin was the first to step in followed by Eggsy and I.

" Biometric scanned to protect a few old barrels of whiskey? What the hell...." Eggsy asked and walked up to a large wall covered in whiskey barrels.

" To bad it's not scotch." Merlin sighed and I glared at him.

" Really? We are in the middle a strange unknown complex and now we're inside some building and your concern isn't ' Who the hell are these people and what are they hiding?' but no its that the barrels are full of whiskey and not scotch?" I ask and heard Eggsy snicker behind me. Merlin shrugged and tapped his clipboard so a full x-ray of the building came up on it.

" It says here that there is a huge underground facility right below us..." Merlin spoke and walked around the large space.

" And if I'm correct... this..." He walked up to a large barrel in the back of the room and placed a finger on it. Eggsy stood on the opposite side of the barrel while I stood in front of the barrel a little bit back.

" This is the way in." He smiled and nodded at me at he took a step back. He grabbed an axe that was leaning against another barrel and took a swing at the large barrel and as soon as it happened the barrel began to leak.

" Fucking hell Merlin!" Eggsy yelled as Merlin. Merlin jumped into action and placed his hands over the hole he had created to stop the leaking right before a cold circular object was placed on the back of my head and an arm wrapped around my neck.

" Let go of me!" I spoke as I struggled to get out of the grip but it was no use but it caught Merlin and Eggsy's attention.

" You know, my mama... she always told me... us southerners get our good manners from the British. I was thinkin', ain't that a pity. Y'all didn't keep nothing for yourselves. Y'all ain't never heard of knocking before you enter?..." A man said from behind me with a thick southern accent lacing through his words. Merlin looked at the man behind me and put his hand up in front of him. The one that was not holding the whiskey in the barrel.

" Well we sort of had an invitation... didn't we?" He asked and Eggsy now stood directly by his side.

" Yes we did now... why don't you let her go and we'll explain?" Eggsy explained as he took a step forward looking me in the eyes and clearing had fear in them.

" Oh did you now? How about I hold on to her and you tell me where y'all are from and if you lie I'll be forced to do thing..." The sound of a gun cocking filled my ears and the pressure on the back of my head became harder.

" We'll all regret..." He spoke and I watched as Eggsy froze in his place before he spoke.

" We're from the kingsman tailor shop in London maybe you've heard of us?" He spoke.

" Oh! The Kingsman! Huh... that's where y'all are gettin' those fancy suits and spectacles from." He laughed slightly but still didn't move.

" Exactly. Now we told you the truth... you can let her go now..." Merlin spoke.

" Y'all looking damn sharp." The man spoke. A shaky breath left my lips as he pulled me back a little into him.

" Ya know we don't take kindly to strangers. So why don't you get down on your knees and tell me who y'all work for." He spoke forcefully and stepped forward with me. Merlin looked at Eggsy then shrugged and moved away from the barrel casusing the whiskey to pour out onto the floor. The man tilted me to the side and spit what looked like chewing tobacco towards the barrel and the leaking stopped as a black dot covered the hole Merlin had created.

Kings and Cowboys ( Sequel to To become a fine Gentleman )Where stories live. Discover now