God MafuMafu [Part 1]

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Heaven, identified as a place many people go to in their after life. A place where people will enjoy after their death, a place where people will relax from the comfy and quietness. Well those are past descriptions of heaven, how day heaven is as fun as before it not as quite because of the god and goddess that in charge of it. How should I put this, the heaven is no longer a peaceful place but instead it a area full of energy and happiness. People always laugh and play around with each other even though they are nothing but a ghost flowing around in heaven like a trap bird with the expectation of being well taken care of.

It was quite an peacefully morning like it should be heaven expect this is just the same kind as the past so all the ghost in heaven gathered around the residence of where the two important person in heaven are currently living in. When all ghost heard a the loud screaming happening inside they knew everything was fine cause it happened everyday after the currently life goddess announced that she is handing her throne over to one of her two child and either of them wanted to take the spot so the two had to fight each other to escape the duty.

"Nee-san! Since your the oldest, would it make more sense that you take the throne than me?!?!" A blonde haired male yelled as his high pitched voice echo through the room they are currently in. "No no no Mafu-kun. Most of the time it is a god who succeeds the throne. Your must more stronger than me in magic and strength so you take the throne!" The female beside him yelled as well. The two are once again arguing over who's gonna take the throne cause neither of them waited to.

"But Nee-san is smarter than me and the kingdoms needs someone who's has a good knowledge to lead them to victory in battles. Strength isn't everything you know." "Well looked who's speaking. Aren't you a smart one as well knowing those thing. You have the strength, power and knowledge! Everything a good God of Life ever needs, you have them all so take the throne." MafuMafu mentally wanted to punch himself for saying those smart ass like words. If he never said them than he would have a chance to throw the throne to his sister but too bad his mouth slipped.

Well your must be wondering why those two are fighting over such a good opportunity right? Being the god or goddess of life would give title, fame, power and status. It things all goddess or god ever wanted. But those things for the two are nothing but trash, the two prefer freedom more than anything. After taking the place as the official goddess or god of life, they have huge responsibility so their freedoms will be taken away and can't head out to the human world. Even if the god of goddess got permission to go, guards will be beside them at all time which gives them no freedom after all. Your just be thinking that they could escape but of course that wouldn't work, escaping would put the whole heaven in a mess cause their leader is missing plus certain bad things might go out like they have died or another kingdom person kidnapped or killed them. If those weird rumors spread than another war world start meaning tons of people will die which will lead to lots of other problems.

"Nee-san no baka!!" MafuMafu screamed lastly before stomping out of the room than out the house. "Wait Mafu-kun! This is not over yet!! Get back in here!!!" The female goddess screamed but the younger god pretended he didn't hear her. Leaving the older female with no choice she decided to teleport him back by a portal so she created a portal right before him. Without knowing MafuMafu had walked into the portal but instead of being teleported back to the female he had been teleported somewhere else. "Huh... that weird. He should have been teleport back he- oh wait.... I screwed up!! That the portal to the human world!!!"

Where MafuMafu landed

"Oi. Wake up. This isn't a place you should be sleeping in." Huh? Who's voice is it? It doesn't matter cause it sounds way better than nee-san's screaming voice. "Oi. You better wake up now. It starting to get dark outside." The voice called out once again but MafuMafu still didn't wake up, it more like he didn't want to wake up. Hearing a soft sigh, he assumed that the owner of the voice has given up on waking him up and is about to leave him alone. Instead of what he assumed, he felt his body being lifted off the cold ground but it was replaced by something warm and soft but a bit bumpy which he presume it was the other back.

After a short of the other walking and complaining about how he weights way heavier than what he looks like, the other person has finally stopped and he heard the sound of key being taken out as it was replaced by the sound of the door opening soon. MafuMafu slowly opened his eyes slightly, everything is pretty blurry at first but as time goes by it cleared up. Once the other person reached their bed room they had set him down on their bed before noticing that he has finally opened his eyes. MafuMafu couldn't really see the other face clearly because of the mask their wearing and how their bangs are quite long that it covered one of his blue eyes.

".. Who are you?" Was the first thing that came out of MafuMafu's mouth other than a thank you which people would have expected.

"I am......"


I decided to do a MafuSora book! This book will mostly contain short stories and a few one shots cause.. I have a book for one shot that I can write in.

Well, here is something you should know about this book. Through this whole entire book, I plan to make MafuMafu have red eyes and Soraru blue instead of their real eye colors. Well have fun reading! Bye!!

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