19: "For everything there is a first time." - Spoc

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She's A Riot - The Jungle Giants




That was literally the only word in my head as I clutched onto the bottle of pinot and shut my fridge. Okay, Olivia. No need to panic.

I jumped at the loud knock on my door. And he somehow got in. Still no need to panic. I slipped on my shoes and took a deep breath before swinging my door open. My eyes drifted over his crease free pin striped shirt, fresh jeans and then to the little girl at his side in a pretty yellow dress and pumps.

"She insisted we come and get you. Your neighbour was coming in so he let us in." He was smiling but by the look in his eye, I could tell she'd put up quite a fight.

Chelsea's doe like eyes widened at me. "Wow! Liv, you look pretty! Dad, doesn't she look pretty?"

"Yes, she does." He smirked.

"But not as pretty as you, you look beautiful." I said with a grin and a slight blush. "Did you pick out the dress?"

She flashed a smug smile and lifted her chin. "Yep! It's my favourite dress. This one time I wore it to my best friend's birthday party and she said she loved my dress more than hers and that her mommy would buy her the same one and..."

All the way down to the car she talked about her different array of dresses for different occasions. I was almost coaxed into sitting in the back with her with her giant blue eyes but Eddie swiftly interjected and helped into the passenger seat.

Just as I passed him, he skimmed a kiss over my cheek and I paused with my foot on the step. "You do look really pretty." He whispered.

I ignored the flood of warmth in my chest and sent him a smile. I'm not even panicking. I mean why should I be? As I thought earlier, I've met some of his family and they were wonderful. The twins seemed fun, especially Phoebe. This barbecue will be fun, I can see it now! You know, unless I fall flat on my face when I step into the house or drop a shit load of ketchup on my dress... or if I go to the bathroom-

"I can see the cogs turning in your head, Liv. Relax a little." He interrupted my thoughts. "It's going to be fun. My aunt and uncle, my cousin, sisters, nieces and nephews... are you breathing?"

"In long shallow breaths, yeah."

He patted my knee with a laugh. "Trust me; it's going to be fine. Plus Chase is cooking so you know the burgers will be great."

"I didn't eat much today in preparation for Chase's burgers."

Eddie chuckled but didn't get much of a word in after that when Chelsea carried on with her stories about her dresses and school and the new toy she was sweet-talking her daddy to buy her. To be honest neither of us got a word in, not even when we parked in a nice neighbourhood half hour later.

"It may be Grace's barbecue but this is my parent's house. Chase loves my father's barbecue." Eddie said as we exited his car.

"It's lovely." I let my eyes wander over the two-storey home. It was a house you just knew held a lot of memories. It was definitely a family home with cedar siding, a porch just perfect for a movie "first kiss" and a roof just beneath one half of the window perfect for sneaking out after "curfew". Did he really grow up here?

I once again clutched onto my chilled bottle of pinot as he led me with a hand on the small of my back behind the house where laughter and children's voices emanated from. Straight through the gate, Chelsea was running toward three kids, two boys and a girl.

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