Cursed to live forever

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"Ellie, he's coming."

"Thank you for telling me, Ann," I said as I turned to face the young girl. Her long thin red hair was pulled back in braids today. Her ocean blue eyes were staring hopefully back up at me. She was nervous, and she wanted to see what I would do.

"What do you want me to do?"

I turned to face the window that was facing near the front off the house. My reflection stared back at me. My long curly blonde hair was tucked back behind my shoulders. I was wearing a yellow and blue flowered dress, that screamed a quiet life. A life that I had managed to keep for the past ten years. My crystal blue eyes stared back at me, begging me to answer the question.

"Ann, do you know how far away he is?"

"The alarm has just been set off at the front gate," she replied. I looked out the window. Sure enough, there he was. Just over the hill, a man was wearing a long brown coat. The same coat he always seemed to wear whenever he found me again.

"Get all the food and bring it down to cellar. I will get us blankets for warmth, and clothes for us to wear. There is water pump down in the basement so we won't be thirsty. I don't know how long we will have to stay down there, but it is better to be safe than to be sorry," I said bending down to pull Ann into a quick hug. "It is going to be okay."

She smiled at me and ran toward the kitchen. I quickly ran up the stairs. James would never take no for an answer when we were dating. He was ambitious, and that was one of things I loved most about him. When you are cursed to live forever, you realize how many people give up on their dreams. It's always nice for a change to see someone in this world following their dreams. It just becomes a problem when you are their dream.

I opened up the closet at the top of the stairs where we get all our clothes, and started putting them into the crate that was on the bottom shelf. After three years of dating him, I knew I had to leave. He was bound to realize that I was never aging. I left a note on his bedside table telling him some made up story about why I was leaving. I had hoped he wouldn't try to find me. Then, a week later, he found me in my new apartment sixty miles away from his old one. It quickly became apparent that I was going to have to get creative.

He wouldn't leave me alone. I spent five years on the run from him, finally settling down on a quiet farm house in Nebraska. These ten years had been perfect. It was the longest time that he hadn't found me. But, in the centuries I have been alive, it has become obvious that all great things must come to an end.

It would of been impossible to tell him the truth. How do you explain something unbelievable to someone? You can't do it very successfully. What was I to tell them him? That I had been around for centuries, and that I will be around for many more. That I could never stay, no matter how much I loved him because it just wouldn't work. If I told that to every person I fell in love with, I would be called crazy and locked away somewhere.

When you are cursed to live forever, you can never get too close to someone. One way or another, humans will always leave you in the end. I could sit here for days and tell you about all the people I have loved and have had to say goodbye too. Lily, and her long jet black hair and bright red lips that always tasted so sweet in my mouth. Zack, and the silly jokes he would tell each morning at the bus stop. Em, and the sweet messages she would always write on my coffee cup. And now, James.

Once the crate was spilling with fuzzy blankets and comfortable clothes, I ran back down the stairs. Ann was carrying what seemed to be the entire food supply of one of the kitchen cabinets in her small arms, when I reached the bottom of the stairs. With a quick glance out the window I could see that he would probably get here in minutes.

"Ann get down into the cellar, quickly."

"But I still have one more cabinet, to clean out."

"It will be okay, just get down there, now," I said as she quickly hurried along.

As soon as we were both on the stairs I dropped the crate by my feet and began closing the doors of the cellar. I slammed the first wooden door, locking it shut. I then went on to the second wooden door and did the same thing again. I could hear someone desperately banging on the door outside.

I then began pulling the big metal door shut. I could hear someone outside trying to bust the front door down. As soon as I closed it, I heard the front door being busted down. I quickly grabbed the crate and ran back down the stairs. I found Ann huddled in the corner where she had stacked the food. As soon as she saw me she ran up and tackled me into a big hug.

"Hey, it's going to be okay. We have to be quiet though," I whispered to her. She nodded her head in response.

I grabbed a couple of the blankets from the crate and sat down with her against the wall. Ann was scared, and I was too. From the place we sat in the cellar, we could hear slightly muffled screaming. Ann was quietly crying into my shoulder.


I quickly covered Ann's ears as James listed all the awful things he was going to do to me. As I held her close to me, I looked into her lovely blue eyes. She was going to live for centuries too. That's why I had to take her in. No parent can ever handle it. I don't even know how children get cursed with this awful gift that will haunt them into adulthood. As James screams filled the air I just had to hope I could keep Ann from experiencing the same things as me.

Here's a quick short story for you guys! I felt inspired to write today so I whipped up a quick 1,100 word short story for you. This only took me 2 hours which is very fast for me. Today was my first day of school, and it sucked so I channeled all that negative energy into this. I hope you guys enjoyed it! Comment your thoughts and questions and vote for it! Love you guys!

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