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《>Basic info<》

Name: Connor Anderson

Age: 29

Gender: Male

Sexuality: Bisexual


Hair color: Dark brown

Eye color: Brown

Height: 6'0"

Weight: 174 lbs



Before the world went to shit, Connor was a relatively friendly man. Although he kept to himself and was a bit awkward with small talk.
But after everything went down, he became much more reserved, and worried about the well being of people he cares about. If trusted enough, he will worry about someone elses life more than his own.
He's got a few loose screws here and there though, so he can be pretty ruthless or harsh at times. It'd be wise not to get on his bad side.


Due to his work in the DPD, he's good with a gun. He's also got fair interrogation skills.
He's good at making quick decisions that make sense and often benefit others


He can become awfully empathetic at times depending on the situation, causing him to make the wrong decision sometimes.

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