Mission of Dragons

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I can't believe it, I actually married Sky! The wedding was a week ago, and we are coming back from our honeymoon. The other Winx girls got engaged at our wedding, and I'm just so happy right now. First off, Daphne is pregnant, so I'm gonna be an aunt. Second, I just got married to Sky. Third, I believe I'm pregnant. And fourth, Roxy earned her enchantix while we where gone. I'm so proud of her, I can remember her when she was first starting out as a fairy.
When we got to Alfea, Headmistress Faragonda wanted to see me alone. So Sky said he'd wit for me at the Owl. When I enter the office, Faragonda looks troubled.
"You wanted to see me Headmistress?" She looks at me solemnly, then nods.
"Yes, I did Bloom. I'm afraid that you have to go on a mission, alone." I'm staring in shock, did I hear her right?
"But, Headmistress Faragonda, I have a husband now. I also think I'm with child, I can't just go on a mission alone?!" She looks shocked, but then sighs.
"Bloom, you're the only fairy to go to Pyros and come back alive. Mia, she lives there, and requested your help. You also have the power of the dragon fire, I'm sorry child, but your the only one who can go on this mission." I put my head in my hands and I cry.
"Bloom, I'm so sorry."
"Headmistress Faragonda, why? Ever since I came to this school, all I've ever done is fight against evil. I just wasn't some time to spend with my family, new and old. Why dose it seem like this never happens?!?" She places a hand on my shoulder, then I calmed down.
"Fine I'll do it, but I better be able to come home after this." She just nods, then I stand up and go back to Sky.

When I found him, he was waiting for me. I smiled, but my smile turns sad when he sees me.
"Bloom, What's wrong?" I sigh then look up at him.
"Sky, I'm sorry, but I have a mission. I was just told by Headmistress Faragonda." I sigh then look at the ground. Sky places a hand on my shoulder, and then I continue.
"I have to go back to Pyros, Mia, she's in trouble. She asked for my help, and I have to leave in two hours." I can't look at Sky's face anymore, I look at the ground and cry a little. Sky just gives me a hug then he gives me his support.
"Thank you Sky, I'm sorry that I have to go on this mission. I will come home, ok." He nods, then my wonderful husband helps me pack. Once I'm packed, I head through the portal. And find myself on the planet Pyros. I walk to where I'm supposed to meet Mia, when I get there, I see her and smile.
"Hello Mia, it's been so long since I've seen you last." She smiles then gives me a hug.
"Hello Bloom, it's so great to see you again, and what's this I sense?" She places her hand on my stomach, then smiles.
"Well Bloom, congratulations. I didn't know you where with child." I laugh slightly at this.
"Well Mia, I just started feeling this little ones presence a few days ago. Two days after my wedding, sorry I was late Mia." She looks nervous.
"Bloom, I didn't know you got married."
"Yeah, my ex-boyfriend from last time I was here, we got back together, broke up again, got back together, and then he proposed to me about four months ago. I'm now the future Queen of Eryrakleon, and I'm still Princess of Domino, in case my sister Daphne dies." But then I remember something .
"You've not met Daphne have you?" She nods no, then I sigh.
"So I have an older sister, when Domino was attacked she sent me to earth. She was cursed, well Sirenix was cursed, and she was a ghost basically for seventeen years. The Winx and I got Sirenix, then each got a wish. I used my wish to end the Sirenix curse. Thus making my sister corporeal again, and allowing future fairies to gain Sirenix without the crazy deadline we faced." Mia smiles, then grabs my hand.
"Oh Bloom, you've grown so much. I remember when you came here, and where just struggling to focus and find your way." I sigh, I remember that all to well.
"Mia, not that I don't love hanging out with you, but what was the real reason you brought me here?" She looks at me then sighs.
"We've been attacked, and since you arrived a forcefield has been put around he whole planet. I don't know what we are fighting against." I sigh then look up, but then see theee familiar figures.
"Trix!" They are now close enough I can see them, then u step in front of Mia.
"Magic Winx, Bloomix!!" I transform then fly up, the Trix then surround me.
"Well, if it isn't little Bloom. Where are are the other Winx? Did they leave you all alone again?" The Trix laugh, and I just carefully asses the situation, but then I feel a kick in my stomach. The Trix gain maniacal smiles, and I'm worried.
"Why Icy, it seems like Bloom is carrying a child, why don't we put her out of the pain of having to raise it?" Asked a crazed Darcy, and Icy just started laughing like a lunatic.
"It would be our pleasure!" Then they all attacked me from each side. I quickly put up a protective sphere, and the spells where repelled.
"Dragons Fire, repel these witches and protect the dragons of this planet!" Suddenly, I flowed orange, and the dragons fire exited my body, and blasted the Trix, then made a huge dome over the island. I collapsed to the ground after that, to exhausted to move.
"Bloom, that was powerful." I nod, then stand up.
"Yeah, I didn't know if it would work. But it should last until I can't support it anymore, or till the dragon fire stops burning. Whichever comes first." Mia smiles, and then we head to her house, to catch up.

Time skip, 9 months later

"Bloom, I can see the head. I need you to push." I do, and scream in pain. I see the force field flicker, I know I won't be able to keep this up much longer. But then I hear the cries of a baby, I look at Mia, and she's smiling.
"Congratulations Bloom, it's a Boy, but I need you to push again. You have another baby, so please just push." I scream and push with all my might, the sheiks is so thin, that it will brake with any attack. Then I hear a baby crying, and I see Mia cleaning off another child.
"Bloom, it's a girl." I smile weakly, then I snap my fingers and put on a more comfortable outfit. Mia hands me my twins, and I smile.
"What are there names?" I think, I won't be able to do this without Sky, I can't do this without Sky.
"I don't know, Mia, I honestly thought I'd be home by now, I never thought they would be born without Sky being here." She nods, but then I hear something explode, I gasp and look up at the sky. The enemy is attacking it, my babies, they need to be safe.
I set them on my lap, and snap my fingers, wrapping them up in blankets, a blue one for my son, and a red one for my daughter. I then hand them to Mia, and whisper to them.
"My precious children, I love you no matter what. I will come back to you, and you will live to meet your father. But I have to protect you, no matter how much it hurts me to, I can't bare the thought of you getting hurt, goodbye my babies, till I see you again." Then I use my magic and place them in a time freezing spell, they glow orange, and then they get little Dominoin charms, then I have Mia take them someplace safe.
"Mia, please bring them somewhere safe, like in a cave, but not somewhere noticeable. Please!" She nods then runs off, right as I turn around, the shield shatters, sending me flying backwards. I get up then transform.
"Magic Winx, Bloomix!" I then fly up into the air, but the Winx call me. I see the image in the air by me.
"Bloom, how are you? We've missed you." I look at them and smile, they got married about a week after I left, and they are now holding daughters in their arms.
"Bloom, what's all that noise?" I'm dodging spells, then I yell at them.
"Nows not a good time Winx! I'm kinda in the middle of something." Then they seem to notice me fighting.
"Sky get in here!" I hear Sky, but then he sounds panicked.
"Bloom, what's happening!?!?"
"I'm kinda busy Sky, I love you, but timing." Then I'm hit with a spell, I look around and see I'm surrounded. I'm weak from giving birth to my babies, and keeping their protective bubbles up. I have no other choice.
"Sky, I love you, no matter what." Then I glow, flames start to encase my body, and I de transform, and I go into the dress I put on earlier. I'm floating, trying to charge my energy, but then I see a bright glow, and I Recognized it. It's the glow that destroyed one of Pyros' seven moons, it's gonna destroy the planet. Not on my watch! I let a tear slide down my face, I'm probably not gonna survive this. I scream, then channel all my power, and create a planetary shield. I'm glowing really bright, and the dragon fire is exiting my body, and I'm ready to sacrifice myself so my children can live.
The purple blast suddenly strengthened, and I am having trouble holding the shield. Then, another pulse of energy hits it, then the shield shatters, I scream, then the dragon flam exits my body.
Time seems to slow down, my friends and husband scream my name, and their call ends, the dragons fire cutting through the blast, and making an explosion. Me using my last bit of strength to place another weak shield up over Pyros, then the dragons fire collided with me, and I start to glow orange, with the planet.

"Sacrifice, for wats right
Ready to fight, fly on
Ancients here we are
Ready to fight for who we are
Sacrifice, for what's right
Fly with me tonight
Ancients, power beyond
Made for, fights long

Strength as old as time,
Powerful as the ancient times,
Protected of all that lives,
Beautiful within,
Ancients, ancients, ancients.

Power of the flame, now we know your name,
Bloom, Fairy of the dragon flame!" I saw the stars shine so bright, and my power was so much stronger. I managed to place a shield over the planet, right as it flowed so bright, then, Pyros disappeared. We became invisible, and it cut us off from the outside world. I slowly made my way back to the island, and into the volcano. I used my manic and made a shrine/ temple for me to stay at, while I focus all my energy at holding this shield, and keeping my babies alive. I just know that I will call for help once I become too weak.

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