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5 years later

Queen Bloom was currently chasing her twins down the halls of their palace, while Sky just laughed while holding their five month old infant daughter, Lyra. The twins where laughing as their mother caught them.
"I got you two little trouble makers!" She exclaimed while she tickled them. They where laughing with delight, while the baby was squealing in happiness. Suddenly, a explosion rocked the palace, causing the children to scream in fear. A palace guard rushed to the royal family, fear showing on his face.
"Your highnesses, they are back, and they are attacking the castle." Bloom stiffened, and Sky looked sad.
"Ok, thank you for telling us." He then turned to his wife.
"Bloom, please don't."
"Sky, I have to, and we both knew this day would come. Please, take care of our children for me." She started to get up, but her daughter clung to her leg, she was terrified to loose her mom.
"Mommy, don't leave me." Bloom was heartbroken, she put her hand to her mouth, then chest.
"Mia, I'll come back, I promise." She then felt her locket, it had a song she wrote for her kids in it.
"Mia, I want you to have this, to remember me by, and to hold onto it for me. Please don't ever take it off, ok?" Mia was sobbing, but she nodded her head, as her mom put the necklace on her neck.
"Mommy, but what about us?" Asked her son, she looked torn.
"Pyros, I-I want you to always be a good hearted prince. Look out for your siblings, and please help your father while I'm gone. I don't know how long I'll be gone, but I swear I'll come back. Just never forget I love you, never forget me, and then I'll always come back for you." She then quickly kissed all her kids foreheads, then gave her husband a kiss before she ran off to fight.
"Ok kids, we have to get someplace safe." The kids obeyed their father. Then ran to their saferoom, then they saw the Winx fighting four Wizards.
They looked like they won, till a vortex swallowed them all up.
"NOOOO, MOMMYYY!" The twins screamed, and Sky just looked sad.


The Winx arrived at the same time as me, and we transformed. The wizards had stupid grins on their faces as we fought, and the stars where dancing. We thought we had beaten them, till they opened up that hole, it dragged us in. We where brought to their dimension, and then we managed to avoid them capturing us.
We knew the only way back was to fight them, so fight back we did. We fought to stay free, to get back to our families, and to save everyone.
However, I lost track of how long we where fighting, the last thing I remember clearly, was being blasted with light. Then nothing.


The Sky was dancing with colors, the only indication that the Winx where still alive, where the stars. The fact that they kept on shinning. Till, they stopped. Five hours straight they had been glowing, next thing anyone knew, the color just exploded away.
The Winx families where devastated, but knew they'd be back some day, just not today.

Time skip ten years

It's been years since I last saw my mom, ten years since she promised she'd come back. Ten years since my family was happy and whole. My dad, he only smiles when we are around, but it's not the same smile I remember from when I was really young. My brother, he's kept his word to mother, he goes to Red Fountain, and is the best warrior. Yet, he's the kindest and fights with a good heart. My sister, Lyra, well, she doesn't have magic, so she stays on Eraklyon most of the time. She's become quite the stubborn princess.
Me? Well, I go to Alfea. Yeah, moms old school. Every single day, I'm reminded how legendary my mother was. She is literally in history, not just for being a fairy. She was the missing princess of Domino, and she brought her people back. She also made legendary achievements as a fairy, and I just hope I can live up to her example.
My cousins, not literally, go to Alfea as well, we've become the new Winx club. So to speak, and we try to live up to or mothers names. The teachers from when mom was here, they all are still alive. They keep encouraging us, but it seems impossible to live up to our moms legacy.
I sigh, we even are in their old rooms. I let a tear fall, I hold up moms locket and open it.

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