Watch your mouth.

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I know you guys might think how in the world is a unknown girl like me going to kiss Harry styles. Well girl let me tell you. Lynns parents are bloody rich! They bought 3 backstage passes to a one direction concert. In 3 days Were off to see them . 3 days.....


The school bell rings. Time to start the day.

I sit in the back . None of my friends are in this class. My old best friend is . Skyler. We have been best friends since kindergarden. But one day she turned on me. Cheerleading try outs. The captian was kim Goode. She hated my guys since day one . When skyler tryed out Kim told skyler she could join , as long as skyler never talked to me again. That was the day i lost my best friend . Everyday skyler bullies me.... Im tired of it.  Finally class is over . Lunch is here. I buy my lunch and go sit and wait for Ivy . Lynn had tutoring today. Then it happens.  Skyler walks up to me.

S:Hey ratchet  Me:Just leave me alone skyler  S:Why what are you going to do .. hit me? You pathetic wiener.  Just as i got up to slap that bitch , i see Ivy.  Ivy taps on skylers should. She turns around.. Ye- before she can even finish her word Ivy knocks the shit out of her. "Dont you ever talk to sierra like that again bitch." Then the teachers walk up. Right before ivy goes into the office i ask her "Whyd you do that it was my problem?" Then she said who knows what carry wouldve done to you, Im just going to get grounded and she really deserved it "   Then she walked in to the office. 

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