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You are loved. I hope he's treating you well. I can tell by the way your smile glistens for him like it once did for me. I longed to see it. My heart yearned to witness it once again. But it withers in regret now as I watch you hold onto him...seeking his warmth with your fingers intertwined with his. But I know you're happy. You look happy.. like you once did when you were with me.

My legs are losing sensation as I sit on this edge of the top of this building while watching you pass by beneath me. You don't see me here. You may notice me, but you don't see that it's me....for you no longer know who I am.

You have been blessed to start over. I'm cursed to continue this eternity-- never forgetting a single painful moment while you've begun a brand new empty page with no knowledge of the previous one.

Your hair is twirling behind your shoulders and your cheeks flush from this frigid wind. My hands have gone numb again as I sit here just like I do every morning, watching you and him walking down the sidewalk. You're now disappearing from sight as the both of you head your separate ways to fulfill your daily routine. But soon, you'll be returning back to each other later tonight so he can hold you tight beneath the blanket of starts and the full moon's lantern.

My cheeks burn from the tears freezing in place on my cold, stiff face. I will get going now. I'll wait here again tomorrow, even if it means ripping the scar of this wound once again...as long as I get to see you.

I searched for your face everyday throughout this eternity. Maybe the heavens above finally opened their ears to my cries to see you once again. I thought that perhaps they hid you from me as punishment for what I had done...but I see now that it was a blessing to keep me from this wrenching pain now that I have found you....and realizing you're no longer mine. I should not be here, but I don't want to apart myself just yet. Perhaps a simple hello from you will be just enough for me to move on and forever let you go.

The Uncovery. | Kim SeokjinWhere stories live. Discover now