1. Nova Academy, welcome Kim Jennie.

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I stepped out of the Black SUV, my boots hitting the spotless pavement with soft thuds. Irritation filled my body upon setting my lethal gaze on the giant building before me. The student body loitering around the front area exhibited the school uniform making me scrunch my nose in disgust. Those were the skimpiest outfits I've ever seen, the short skirt and skin tight buttoned top made the girls look like they were ready to film a porno.

"What do you think, Jennie?" I glanced at my mom, annoyance setting in.

"I think I should burn the place down. And now that we're on that subject , why don't you just pour some gasoline over me and light a match. Making me join this academy is pretty much doing the same thing."

She ignored me, giving my hair a disapproving look. "Did you have to dye your hair specifically today? And those colors especially?" I smiled, glad that I had irked her somehow. "You should know that it's prone to give you a bad image for school."

I shrugged my shoulders, "The crazy guy is paying the tuition right?," I taunted, " They can either accept me how I am and if not, then I'll be on my merrily way."

My mother sighed, "Jennie please, make an effort. For once in your life you must do something you don't want to." My eyes nearly rolled to the back of my head. "Yeah, and look what it is—," I gestured to all the students around us, "—it's like a kindergarten, they're all babies. I'm pretty sure they still pack lunch boxes." I rested my back on the car, sipping from my red bull can. My mom look confused, "But baby, they're all the same age as you."

I snorted loudly. "Physically, yes. But mentally? I'm light years ahead of them." I spread my arm out to exaggerate.

She didn't deserve my anger, that I admit, the man who decided to get her pregnant with me did. It was his fault I was being shipped here, some bull shit excuse along the lines of wanting me to get a 'higher education'. If he cared so much he wouldn't have left us when he did. I hardly knew the prick and he thought he had the option to decide things for me.

"Baby, I know you don't want this-" My mothers cat shaped eyes, a passed down feature, began to water; she was always the most emotional between us two. "-but I have to fulfill what your father asks or I'll run the risk of losing you. It'll only be for a few years." I let out a frustrated sigh.

"Mom, don't be dramatic okay? The only thing left is for you to hug me in front of everyone." She stroked my hair, "No one is going to separate us," I said, forcing a warm smile on my face.

"Excuse me." Upon hearing a female voice I quickly looked away from my mom, my eyes landing on a brunette with cheeks that reminded me of a squirrel and another girl with blonde hair and legs that seemed to go on forever. The brunette adjusted her bangs, and smiled brightly, too brightly, greeting me with an extended hand. "Hi, I'm Park Chaeyoung, and you?"

I didn't bother looking at her and simply looked away, biting my nails. Hey, I didn't have anything nice to say so why don't I just stay quiet right? My mom gave me a stern look before plastering a warm smile on her face and taking Chaeyoungs hand, " Hello Chaeyoung, I'm Kim Sun Jung and this is my daughter, Kim Jennie." She nudged me with her elbow as a sign to greet her.

I spit out the piece of nail in my mouth, an absent "Hi" leaving my lips. Chaeyoung gave me a disgusted smile, muttering a low hello. She obviously wasn't used to being treated like a stain. "Well, I'll leave you girls to chat while I go talk to the dean," my mom said abruptly. Oh, great.

After my mom walked away Chaeyoung turned to me, a look of sympathy on her face. Sympathy? "I'm sorry for telling you this but, I don't know, I'm sensing that your mom doesn't really love you much , right?" My eyes formed into slits. "Well I don't know, it's 'cause she seems to buy you pretty ugly clothes." I waited for her to say she was joking but she genuinely seemed sad for me. What the hell went on in here? And she didn't stop there, oh no.

"But don't worry!" She said excitedly, "I'm an expert when it comes to fashion and we can just burn whatever you have and I'll replace it all with a bunch of new clothing I received!" She talked as if it was simply a hobby.

I laughed incredulously. She can't be fucking serious. 

Her friend joined in, "But first we'll have to take her to a salon because a change of look really seems to be what she needs right now." I glared at her, looking her up and down.  "Those red and orange highlights aren't pretty, they make you look like you belong in some Nirvana groupie or something. Rocker looks are totally not in style right now."

Alright that's it. I tilted my head, smiling at them. "Well neither is a non functioning brain so why don't you guys get a new pair of those while you're at it." Grabbing the Red Bull from my car door I slid it into the crack between the blondes breasts.

"What the hell is wrong with you, idiot!?" She quickly pulled it out.

Chaeyoung stepped forward. The face of an angry kitten on her own. "Hey! What's wrong with you?!"

"Well, it was the closest thing to passing for a trash can, tall and full of shit." I grinned, satisfied with their reactions. These Barbies had no idea who they just messed with.

"Hey you're not allowed to do that to my friend!"

"Oh don't worry there's some for you too, Barbie."

Grabbing the can from Bimbo I placed it over Barbies head, the clear, cold liquid falling over her nice brown strings of hair.

High pitched screams left her glossed lips. "Oh my god! Stop it, you lunatic!"

I threw the can at Bimbo and waved a hand at them walking inside the building. "Bye, bye girlies! It was a pleasure meeting you!"


Yes yes I know! Why did I make Rose and Lisa the mean girls, technically they're not mean they just are used to being agreed with AAAAAND they're going to be friends with Jennie deeper into the book so donut worry guys. Why would I do BLACKPINK dirty like that come on! Please vote and all that! HOPE YOU LIKED THE FIRST CHAPTER OF THIS BOOK. Jenbin will be in the next chapter!

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