Chapter Two: The Angry Little on a Dating App

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"Min Yoongi you aren't even in little space! How the hell are you still being a fucking brat?" Seokjin pouted, "Can't you cut me some slack? I would like to spend some time with my boys!" He stomped.

"Sorry, I'm not the one who downloaded a fucking dating app for their little! I told you, I don't want an asshole off an app to take care of me damn it!" Yoongi grumbled angrily.

Yes, Seokjin did download the app on Yoongi's phone but didn't go any further, they did trust each other that much. Yoongi was out of little space after a week of having been forced to regress due to his stress levels. He was still mad that Jungkook was the one who put him in little space too, he'd beat the shit out of him later.

"Yoongi! C'mon! You know there are good guys in the world! Maybe you'll find someone handsome and perfect!" He said, "Please try it Yoongs! I will give you candy in little soace if you do it!" He bribed the boy, knowing Yoongi's little side would be furious if he passed up candy. Candy, and Yoongi quotes himself on it, is The holy grail of little space. Yeah, he's got some pretty weird quotes. And he only quotes himself on things too.

Yoongi grabbed his phone, "Fine, if I don't like it, you're buying me that bottle of strawberry vodka." He hummed, "Its fair game Jin, if I do like it, little Yoongs gets cake.. made by Kim Seokjin himself!" He smiled at his genius plan, 'Min Yoongi you are a fucking genius.' He praised himself mentally and went to his room, no not his little room, his regular room. He opened the cute looking app, greeted by an adorable character, asking if he was a little or a daddy.

Please choose your position:

Little ✔️

Yoongi sighed, "At least you can choose themes for the app too, that way I can have my aesthetic." He smiles, making himself a username: prince_yoonie. What a fabulous name, perfect for Yoongi. God what was he getting into. He hummed and put on some music, putting a few cute but lewd pictures on his profile, they were all cute and innocent but to anyone they were lewd as hell. He giggles to himself, "I'm so adorable." He nodded happily, "I'm just adorably adorable!" He concluded, his cute gummy smile showing. He then edited a cute picture and used it as his profile picture, only his lips and neck in the picture... maybe anonymity would work here, only revealing his face when he was ready to talk to a guy trustworthy enough. He giggled softly, "Maybe I will enjoy this app." He smiled brightly. After setting up his profile and making a bio, he began to look at the daddies they had on here, seeing the name daddy.jxxn he then looked at the pictures he had... anonymous as well... but his lips are nice as well, his profile... black and white aesthetic... his bio... so promising...

My name is Kim Namjoon, 24, I am a daddy/sugar daddy and I am very pleased to meet whatever little prince or princess is venturing onto my account. I live alone with my dog RM and wish to find someone to settle down with who has the same interests.
Maybe even someone to have a drink with once in a while, one who is in love with music, one who is very respectful but can be funny and make dumb jokes too. Not a fancy person, they don't have to be, one who would lounge around and eat tons of candy with me and watch cliche movies and Disney movies... a perfect little baby.
Don't be afraid to talk to me sweethearts, private messages are always open.

Yoongi gawked at the bio, smiling cutely and stupidly. He giggled and pressed the follow button and the message icon, "I don't even know how to..." he huffed quietly, thinking of something cute. He smiled and began to type.

Prince_yoonie. and daddy.jxxn have been added to a private chat!

Prince_yoonie. :
Hi there... sir..

Daddy.jxxn :
Hello little one, how are you?

Prince_yoonie. :
I'm... good.

Daddy.jxxn :
You don't sound too sure little one, hm..?

Prince_yoonie. :
I... I'm not sure at all. Anyways... how are you?

Daddy.jxxn :
Pretty well actually, little one, might I say... you are adorable.

Prince_yoonie. :
Ah... t...thank you. You're very handsome, sir.

Daddy.jxxn :
Thank you little prince, maybe we should get to know each other more, you live in Seoul right? So do I, maybe we could meet up at an ice cream shop if you're in the mood. Only after we get to know each other of course.

Prince_yoonie. :
That would be fun, I'm not really good at talking about myself.

Daddy.jxxn :
Thats okay baby boy, I will listen. Try your best.

Yoongi was hesitant to talk to this guy, but he seemed genuinely nice. Its not very often you find decent guys into really kink stuff. He talked to the aforementioned for about an hour, telling the other about himself and listening to what the other said about himself. He thought this man was absolutely perfect, damn... he'd have to tell Seokjin he liked the app. He really wanted that bottle of strawberry vodka... maybe... he'll lie. Its not like Seokjin could spank him for it.


"Yoongi! Dinner time!" Seokjin shouted, hearing the cute pitter-patter of little feet, "Y..Yoonie... uhm... w-wittwe!" He said shyly, regressing due to Namjoon's name calling... maybe Yoongi was a little whipped for Namjoon. He bit his lip, still holding his phone in his hand, knowing he wasn't allowed to have it at the table, "Dada, can Yoonie h-has his phone at t-the tabwe today? H-He needs it with h-hims, it impow...impowt...impowtant!" He smiled softly, hoping Seokjin would say yes.

Seokjin shook his head, "No, I'm sorry little one but not today, dinner is when you eat, not talk to other people over a phone." He said, "You can have it after dinner."

This decision resulted in an angry little, huffing and stomping, "B-But dada!" He complained, huffing and texting the male his bad news, he had to eat dinner... without his phone. The boy whined and set his phone down angrily, climbing into his high chair and whining out of anger. Seokjin shook his head, "Whining... stomping... pouting... someone's cranky." He chuckled.

"Yeah! I wan' phone!" He pouted, "Dada meanie butt." He said.

"Ah... thats not very nice Yoongi." The elder hummed, "Be nice." He demanded, "Or that ass will hurt." He threatened.

Yoongi whined and started to eat, "Okay dada..." he said in defeat.

Pouty and attached Yoongi? Yes please! This chapter is 1122 words without this little authors note! I hope you enjoyed this chapter!


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