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Ana-i did not blink for sometimes then ma told me to show their rooms.i can't believe this he is in front of me.i told abhi's parents...their rooms is 301,abhi and rohan's room is 307,kabir jiju room is 308 and from 302 to 306 are their relatives rooms.

Shanaya-what about mine?

Ana-u r staying with me.

Then everyone go to their room to freshen up.

Ana-rohan takes me in corner..what r u doing?everyone is here.

Rohan-shhh i want to talk to u...meet me at 10 pm on the terrace.


Then rohan goes to his room.

Ana-what just happened!!!

After freshening up everyone gather in the living hall.

Pa-so whats the plan?

Ana-pa the rituls is started from 15th October.so we have time..so i thought that we should go somewhere.

Pa-what is ur thought on this pandey ji?

Abhi's father-i thought its a good idea..it will be a nice outing..then everyone is busy in the preparation.

Kabir-so we are going tomorrow then.

Abhi's mom-what is the schedule of all the rituals??

Ma-ana tell everyone.

Abhi's mom-why she told everyone?

Ma-she is our wedding planner.

Rohan-(so u are living ur dream...i am proud of you)

Ana-on 15th October di and jiju's engagement,on 16th October mehendi function..it will separate for bride and groom.on 17th sangeet ceremony and on 18th haldi and wedding ceremony.
The the arrangements for bride is in the living room and for groom it will be in the garden.

Abhi's mom-ok nice arrangements.

In the night,

The younger generation are sitting in tara's room to discuss about tomorrow.

Ana-di your phone is ringing.

Tara-its kabir.

Shanaya-go talk to him.

Abhi-we should do something for them.


Ana and rohan are staring to each other.

Rohan-guys i going to sleep, looking at ana.

Shanaya-ana,go meet him

Ana-but yr if anyone see us?

Abhi-we will take care of it.now go

After reaching terrace.


Ana-rohan hi

Rohan hugs her and she too.

Rohan-ana i missed u so much . dont leave me again.

Ana-i missed you too.

Rohan-ur favourite place.ana i am happy for you...u r living ur dream.

Ana-yes and what about u?

Rohan-nothing changed for me...when i leave  college...dad told me to join his Newyork  firm.so i joined him.

Ana-what about ur dreams?

Rohan-they are just a dream for me.

Ana-(no rohan u have to live ur dreams...u just cant give up)

Rohan- we should go downstairs.

Ana-wait,u and abhi are cousins..u never told me.

Rohan-its not a big deal...me and abhi never treated each other like cousins..he is my best friend and i can share everything with him.

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