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Lisa POV
I jump up and down like a little girl who just got a pony. "Yes yes I talked to her eeee" I say very excited. "AISH LISA WHAT DID YOU JUST DO??" I hear jennie yelling coming towards me.I turn around and see the whole cafeteria staring at me. "Aish what is everyone looking at??" I say confused. "Uhm maybe at the fact that you just KICKED SOME 6 FOOT GUYS ASS?" Jennie said pointing at the guy on the floor. "Oh ya Uhm that" I say scratching my neck. "Aish Lisa lets just go" Jisoo says grabbing my arm bringing me back to the table. "What was that about?" Jisoo asked
"What?" I say confused
"Aish Lisa!" Jisoo says hitting the back of my head
"Oww!" I say rubbing where she hit
"Lisa well finish this later!" Jisoo says while Jennie drags her to her next class.
"Ya ya!" I yell back.I have dance next. I walk into my class the teacher takes roll.
"Kunpimook Bhuwakul!(bambam)"
"PARK MIN HYUK!(rocky)"
"PARK CHAEYOUNG" wait...she's in this class?? Great now I'm staring
"What...OH HERE!"
"Ok class you will be in partners" Our teacher says.
"BamBam and Rocky!Nayeon and yan-an!and Lisa with Chaeyoung!i will see what group is the best out of you 6 and they will go on a dance show" she smiles at me as my eyes widen
"Yes yes! I'm with her!" I think as I walk toward her.
"S-so what do y-you wanna do...?" She asks rubbing her arm shyly.
"U-Uhm wanna do...t-the song OTW?" I ask shyly.
"S-sure" She says looking and smiling at me.


"Has everyone finished there choreography?" The teacher asks
"Yes!" The class answered
"Ok Bam Bam and rocky!" She says as they go up and start to dance.
5 minuets later
"Good! Now Nayeon and Yan-An!" They go up and dance.
5 minuets later
"Pretty good! Now Lisa and Chaeyoung!" She says as we go up.

(Chaeyoung boy, Lisa girl)
We see our dance teacher in shock
"That was amazing!" She says clapping as me and chang smile and bow.
"You seem shy but when your dancing your a monster" I say to Chaeyoung laughing as she blushes
"Not so bad yourself" she making me laugh
"Stop making me laugh" I say still laughing playfully slapping her arm as she giggles.
"I-I u-Uhm wanna h-hang out..." I ask shyly hoping for a yes
"Sure" she shrugs
"I kne- wait yes???" I say shocked
"Yep" she giggles
"Yaayayyayaya!!!" I say excitedly and she giggles
"Let's gooo!!" I say grabbing her hand making her slightly blush and run to the hall.we start walking.
"Aish I gotta go to the bathrooommm!!" I say running to the bathroom. "ILL BE BACK WAIT FOR ME!" I say still running.
~Chaeyoungs POV~
She runs to the bathroom.
"This girl" I say chuckling and start walking toward the bathroom. When I get there someone pins me to the lockers. I sit there shocked with my eyes closed. I slowly open my eyes and see HIM...

3 Small words||Chaelisa- COMPLETEWhere stories live. Discover now