Chapter 2-Anything

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Kaitlynne's POV

As I walked out of class,I saw Chris standing right where he always is,outside the door waiting for me.He grabbed my waist and pulled me into an embrace,lightly kissing me on the cheek.Suddenly,from across the hall,"Mr. Night,Ms. Lawrence,you were made aware of the rules concering PDA at the beginning of the year.One more time and I'll be forced to write you two up."

"Yes,Mrs. Parker.",we said in unision.Then,he grabbed my hand and drug me to my locker,so I could get my book for fourth block.When we got there I put in the combination,while he stood by and filled me in on the rap his Alegbra 2 teach did in class."It was so weird,but awesome at the same time.You just had to be there.",he said as I grabbed my book and slammed the door.

He walked me to C wing where my Biology class was,and since there were no teachers around,pulled me close and gently pressed his lips to mine.I loved these moments,when it seemed like we were the only two people in the whole entire world,and in these moments I knew I loved him more than anything in the world.That I would do anything for him,if he only asked.Then the bell rang and as I rushed into class I heard him say "I love you,baby."

I sat through Biology,attempting to stay awake.Then as I walked out of school,I met up with my best friend,Ashley."Hey,Ash.",I said."Hey.",she said,then her boyfriend Ross came up beside her,grabbing her hand and kissing her lightly on the top of the head."I feel so short around you.You are freakishly tall.",I said to him.We all hung out and walked toward home.When Ashley and Ross left to go their way,I walked up the drive to my house,unlocked the door,dropped my stuff on the couch,and got started on dishes.I did my homework,then about nine-thirty,Chris called.

I loved talking to him,he could always make me laugh.We talked about the future.He was going to take the ASVAB in two weeks then to the Army recruitment office,I had one more year in the hell hole called high school,then it was off to college.We talked about sports,fishing,dogs,family,and how we never wanted to lose each other."I love you so much." I told him."I love you too,baby." When finally I got so sleepy i could hardly hold my eyes open,I told him I would text him until I fell asleep.

"Hey,baby," he said,"before you go,I have a question."............


Author's Note: Okay guys,I am aware this Chapter is short.I originally thought it was going to end up longer when I first started it! Don't judge me (just kidding!).I added two new characters Ashley,Kaitlynne's best friend/bus buddy,and Ross,Ashley's boyfriend.Stay tuned,the next chapter will be better.It starts to get good here!On the side is "Wanted" by Hunter Hayes.Kinda fits the story at this point.Keep reading,I love you guys more than you will ever know! If it wasn't for your begging me to update I would never get a story written.This chapter is dedicated to Kitkatbunny99999!! Love you,Chica!!

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 09, 2013 ⏰

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