Psychic meets Psychic

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              This story will not follow most of the actual Young Justice series

                                           I do not own Pokemon nor Young Justice. They are owned by  Nintendo, The Pokémon Company,  Satoshi Tajiri (Pokemon),  DC Universe,  Brandon Vietti and Greg Weisman (Young Justice)


I feel like I just got hit by a semi-truck, well if I were in a Rock or Ground type Pokemon form then that woukdn't be so bad. But this, in my Human form, it hurt like hell. I was awake, I knew that, but where I was, I had no idea. I looked around for a bit, yeah I was in some kind of room, the bedding was nice and cozy, the air was fresh, and the window had a great view. I stood from the bed, ignoring the intense pain I was in, and left the room to see where I was.

                                                         Another part of Mt. Justice

All the hero's sat around a round table, the kid that appeared out of nowhere on there minds. Many of then were trying to figure out who the kid was and if he was a threat to them. While many believed the kid to be a threat, many could see the physical and mental horrors he went through. They were talking among themselves, debating on what to do with the boy, that is until Batman stood. "Let's call this meeting into session." He said. Everyone quieted down. "As we all know a mysterious boy appeared here at the Old Sanctuary. We don't know where he's from or how he got here. He has an unusual power of shifting into a bat-like creature. I am going to need your opinions." He said. Aquaman was the first to speak.

"To be honest with you Batman, I don't think the kid's a threat. He looked malnourished and beated to exhaustion. He may have been an experiment of some kind." He said. Many people didn't like to hear that. They didn't want to believe that the kid was in that bad of a position. Flash was the next to talk.

"Come on, you can't be serious. Who and why would anyone want to do that? He's just a kid. Maybe he was just a kid with powers that people hated and wanted to kill, and he had no other choice but to teleport away from his attackers?" He said to Batman, these two were both possible explanations. J'onn stood next.

"Maybe I can share what I gathered from the boys mind." He said. Batman nodded for the Martian to continue. J'onn linked his mind with everyone else as they saw images of the boy. He looked younger in these images. He pulled out a small ball and pressed button in the middle and it grew. Pointing the ball to the ground, a red light shot out. The light formed into a small orange colored creature that had the tip of it's tail on fire. They then all heard J'onn's voice. "It seems that the boy, Red, came from another dimension, where creatures known as Pokémon exist. He was the best and youngest trainer in any region. He and his  Pokémon were no mere team, they were a family. From what I saw in his mind, his biological father killed all his friends and his  Pokémon." All the Justice League members that were there looked saddened by this. The boy must have been devastated, loosing his family and friends right before his eyes. Then J'onn continued. "His father then took the DNA of all the  Pokémon in all six regions and made it into a serum that gave young Red the power to turn into any of these  Pokémon. His father 'trained' him by making him fight many other  Pokémon. The form he took was known as Noivern, a large draconian bat-like Pokémon." He said. He looked at everyone. "Knowing this, we can say that the boy is no threat. He is just a young man who has lost a lot." With that final word he sat down, allowing everyone else to think. 

                                                        With Red No one's P.O.V

From what he could tell by walking through this place, is that it was definitely big, bigger that anything he's ever seen. He kept walking, not knowing where he was going. Suddenly He heard some giggling. At first he gulped in fear. Being the world greatest Pokémon trainer, fan girls were a nightmare. He thought quickly, shifting into as small as Pokémon as he could think of, while letting him move fast. A Espeon, a Pokémon of medium size. He ran to the wall right by the open door that he heard the giggling from. He proceeded to spy.

"I wonder what the guy's like, I mean, he came here four days ago and still hasn't woken up." One girl said. He rolled his eyes, typical.

"I don't know M'gann, I mean we don't know if he's a good guy or not. What if he attacks us for no reason?" A guy asked. He liked this one, he was thinking smarter than the other. Then he heard another, this one was calmer.

"Easy Robin, we don't know him. Maybe he is nice, as you land dwellers say, do not judge a book by its cover." He said. Red had to admit that he was right. He decided that he would trust them, not fully, but enough to reveal himself. As he stepped into what he guessed was a kitchen, he saw those that were talking about him. One was a girl, green skin... Huh, and he though he was different. The others were boys. One was short, had black hair and wore sunglasses. The other was a taller boy, with dark skin and... GILLS?! Holly mother of Arceus. It took them a few minutes to noticed him but the one to finally look at him was the girl. She looked surprised to see the small pink creature.

"Uh... Guys, what is that?" She asked as she pointed to the Epeon. The other two whirled around. The shorter one pulling out a Bow Stick, and the other with weapons that looked to be made out of water. They stood there for a few seconds before standing strait.

"What the..." Said the shorter boy, before the creature tensed and it's eyes shined. Robin and Aqualad fell to the floor, unconscious. M'gann, if Red remembered her name to be, looked surprised and stepped back.

'Don't be afraid.' She heard in her head. She looked around, trying to see who was there. When she found no one there she looked at the creature.  'Yes, that's right, I am speaking to you telepathically.' She heard again. Her shocked face turned to one of integument

'So, you are telepathic too?' She asked. He nodded. Then she thought of something. 'Are you the boy that that appeared as the giant bat?' He nodded. He suddenly shined and he was once again the boy she remembered. He had black messy hair, red eyes (His eye color in the Manga for all you Non-Pokemon fans that don't know... Look it up idiots.), and he was as tall as Aqualad (5"10).

"I am Red." He said smiling.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 07, 2016 ⏰

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