Chapter 5: Second Date

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"Happy birthday to you! Happy birthday to you!" Waverly's mother sings outside the now 18 year old girl's door. "Happy birthday dear Waverly! Happy birthday to you!" The door opens and her mother walks through holding a cup of coffee and a plate of chocolate chip pancakes.

"Moooom," the teenager groaned in bed. "It's so early." Rolling over, Waverly faces her cheery mother.

"Oh, come on!" Julie laughs. "You're still young! Live every day to the fullest! And whatever else the kids say. Now, sit up and eat your pancakes like a big kid."

Smiling, Waverly lifts herself up in an upright position and situated her comforter. Following, Julie hands her the plate and cup of coffee and begins talking about the day. Waverly's mother has always loved birthdays, whether that be her own or a loved one. For Waverly's 11th birthday, Julie planned a huge surprise party with all of Waverly's classmates at the time, since it was during a school day. Everyone brought in cupcakes, cookies, streamers, balloons, and many more birthday things.

"So what's the plan for today?" Waverly asks her mother.

"Ah," Julie takes a seat at the edge of the bed. "First, you need a shower. But then, we're going shopping--"

"Shopping?" The brunette asks between bites of birthday pancakes. "What for?"

"You didn't let me finish. We're going shopping for something to wear to the concert tonight. I got you and your friend Brooke tickets to see Fall Out Boy tonight!"

"No way!" Waverly squeals. "How did you manage that? The tickets have been sold out for at least a year!"

"Oh, please, I'm offended. My daughter's favorite band is playing on her 18th birthday? I jumped on those tickets as soon as they went on sale. I was actually on the list to notify me the second they went on sale." She reaches into her pajama pants pocket and puts out an envelope to hand to her daughter. "Now, I couldn't get front row, but it's still pretty close."

Taking the envelope and looking at the tickets, Waverly squeals again. "Oh, my god, Mom, this is the best present ever!" Putting the plate down, Waverly rushes over to hug her mother.

"I'm glad!" Julie smiles and hugs her back. "Now, I don't have Brooke's number, so you can have the privilege of telling her. And if she's busy, then I'll go with you. Or Audrey? I'll leave that up to you."

"Mom, you're rambling. But thank you so much. I love you!"

"I love you, too, sweetie. Happy birthday."

"Thank you, thank you, thank you!"

"Now, I wasn't kidding about that shower. Bring your dishes down whenever you're done and we'll head out around 11." Julie hugs her daughter once more and leaves the room leaving Waverly to stare at the tickets in awe.


"Good morning, Sleeping Beauty," greets the 14 year old sitting at the dining table, munching on a bowl of Froot Loops.

Quickly shooting up her middle finger before the parents come out of the kitchen, Brooke glares at her younger brother. Running her fingers through the tangled blonde mess of hair, Brooke finds herself a cup of coffee.

"Brooke, say hello to your brother." The father says.

"Hi, Gremlin." Brooke shouts from the kitchen.

"Brooke." Her mother says firmly.

"You said say hi, you didn't say by name." Brooke smiles mischievously over her freshly poured coffee, to which her mother just rolled her eyes and went into the dining room.

Suddenly, the wall phone begins ringing. "Brooke! Can you get that?" Shouts her father from the living room.

"Hello?" She answers and hears loud squealing from the other end. Holding the phone away from her ear, she continues. "Um, are you alright?"

"Brooke?!" The squealing continues.

"Um, yes, this is she. Who is this?"

"Brooke! It's Waverly! Guess what!"

Smiling in amusement of Waverly's excitement, Brooke answers. "Oh, hi, Waverly! What's got you all excited?"

"My mom got you and me nearly front row tickets to Fall Out Boy tonight! Are you free?"

Brooke briefly looks at the calendar next to the phone before responding. Only thing planned for today is for her brother, so she says she's free. Waverly continues screaming in response and then hangs up.

"Hey, guys, I'm going to a concert tonight with a friend." Brooke tells her mother and brother in the dining room, assuming her father can overhear. "She's picking me up around 6 and I'll probably just sleepover. 'Kay?"

"Sure, honey, have fun." Her mother says.

Turning around to go back upstairs, her mother stops her. "Brooke, dear, don't forget to eat."

Groaning to herself before turning back around, Brooke makes her way back into the kitchen to make some sort of breakfast. "Yes, mother." 

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