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Chapter dedicated to @Ellieeexox07 for being my first comment ever! Thankyou so much!

"B43.." I muttered to my twin brother Bradley "that's the number" I finished while looking up at the huge apartmentment building. 

As we climbed up the many flights of stairs we silently figured out how to break into his apartment. Soon we reached the door, I pulled a hair slide out've my hair and handed it to Bradley. 

Whilst he was picking the lock, I strained my ear against the door. I heard a few muffled voices.

"Someone else is in there." I whispered to my brother as he nodded and continued picking the lock.

Once he finished I opened it a crack and tried o find Jesse 

"He's on the sofa" I whispered as I looked and saw another three boys. A tall blonde haired boy and Two shorter ones. 

"Okay... three... two... one.. go!" Brad,ey shouted as we barged through the door and jumped onto jesses lap. 

"SUPRISE!" I screeched at the four surprised boys while Bradley broke into a serious fit of the giggles.

"Your *giggle* face *even more giggles*" // 😂\\

"What the.." was all Jesse could mumble.

"I LOVE YOU TOO! AND IVE MISSED YOU SO SO MUCH! AWHH ITS SO NICE TO SEE YOU JESSE!" You and Bradley shouted sarcastically at the same time as the other three boys snickered.

Jesse enveloped you in a massive bear hug and mumbled

"you little shits.."

After a couple of minutes he separated away from you

"Harrison, jake, maxi. Meet my little siblings Bryony and Bradley, they're twins"






"Little bastards" he pointed from you to the other guys "Harrison maxi and jake"

"Now That were all familiar with each other, tell us about your life"

"Well, we went to England after SOME PEOPLE" Bradley started as he glared at me and Jesse "got involved with the bra boys" 

"Wait... Bryony got involved with them?" Asked maxi

"Yep" I said proudly

"Don't be proud." Scolded Jesse

"What?! You got me into them" i said as Bradley wiggled his eyebrows and I slapped him round the head "NOT IN THAT WAY!"

Harrison and Jake looked impressed but confused "how old were you?" Asked jake

"Thirteen" I replied and he whistled impressed a little ( oh you know what I mean 😂)

"Anyway, carry on Bradley" Jesse changed the subject 

"So we went to school, it was boring, we made friends and then 2 years passed of us doing basically nothing, and now we're back here" Bradley explained quickly.

After a few hours of getting to know each other my phone rang, it was my mum telling us she was outside.

"We gotta go, mums outside" you said hugging Jesse and grabbing Bradley by his collar and pulling him out the door

"Bye jess!" You both shouted as you closed the door and ran to your mums car

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 09, 2018 ⏰

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