ok vector, this question comes from Nammjoon1999. She asked, vector what is your favorite number card?
Vector: idk actually
Alito: then pick one.
Vector: uummm.....
its really not that hard to choose.
Vector: ummm....
Dumon: r u ok?
Vector: (overheating)
whoa!!! ok you can stop!
Vector: (still thinking)
Alito: dude stop!!!
Vector: (lightbulb) 39: utopia.
Vector: what?
Alito: (sees the hole in the back of his head) nothing...
Vector: ok. (runs off)
Alito and me: phew!
Marin: Vector! Whats that hole in the back of your head?!
Vector: a...hole?? (touches his head) what the?!
Alito and me: (sneaking away)
Vector: Where do you think you two are going.
Vector: Get back here!
Hope you enjoyed this little story. Keep requesting and I'll see u lates!