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:note: it's important that you read chapter :0:, or else you'll get confused with this first chapter.

I rushed out the doubled doors of the school as people around me tried to avoid me, not even walking beside me.
"Phoenix!" Jack called my name. He's been my best friend since I was 12, he's helped me with everything and the only one who knows about my 'ability', I guess you could call it. Jack's a little bit of a rebel you could say, the one that climbs the fence and steals, things like that.
He ran passed the crowd of students and walked beside me,
"You got that paper for me? Its due tomorrow." He asked while grinning. I laughed at him a little and pulled it out, a paper of completely correct test answers that I worked out for him and would only do for him. Jack took it and shoved it in the side pocket of his backpack where he also had a pack of cigarettes that he smokes right after class. He put one in his mouth and lit it, the smoke blowing passed my face as I smelled it. It really didn't bother me though, I actually liked the smell but I'd never smoke one.
"Hey. I'll give ya a ride if you want."
I shook my head immediately. A car crash killed both my parents when I was only 4, putting me in that orphanage that I so hated because the rest of my family was dead because of cancer or an overdose. So i decided not to ever get in a car again, scared that I'd die too. I shook it out of my mind.
"Nah. It's okay Jack, I'll walk."
"Okay." He said as he walked away to his car and waved bye. I walked to the side gray side walk that led to my home. The shadows that I liked to call Dark Followers, or just Followers  for short, of course followed me to my house which was 3 blocks away. I didn't mind the walking though, it let me think for myself as I walked home before I did the loads of home work the school gave me, which was called 'Jasmine Burge High'. I didn't really have any friends other than Jack, but he had tons of friends. Some of them ask him why he's friends with me, judge him on that sort of thing. I was used to it though, I didn't even mind it. I get bullied alot but not by many people because most were scared and one dared to touch me, because they knew what I could do. The thought led me back to when I was in that orphanage. The woman that cared for us was named Sophie, she was so nice. She cared about us all, but she definitely had a favorite, who was there since they were born so Sophie was like a mother to her. Though, she still treated us equally, that's what I liked about her. But I was a big bully back then, because I had self doubt.
I remember the kid I bullied. Sure, I bullied lots of kids, but this one I bullied too much. She was different, very different. She had ears and a tail of a wolf's, and her eyes shinned a dark blue color. I bullied her with words, but when I became 11 thats when I started to beat her. I'd beat her until she was about almost dead, then Sophie would stop me when she saw me, it had horrible consequences. Every time the girl saw me, her big dark blue eyes would widen, and the terror on her face gave me satisfaction. When we both turned 13, Sophie died and thats when she ran away. I was going to tell her I was so sorry that I bullied her, but I went to look in the place that she always went to to watch the stars, she was gone. I saw her running, and into the woods she went and no one's seen her since. Everyone that has seen her before or talked to her remembers her, she wasn't easy to forget. Her unusual form didn't make people forget. I remember the day before she ran away, I talked to her. When I sat beside her on the ground she was looking at the sky and the stars as she always did. Sometimes I'd call her star girl, just to tease her. I can't remember the conversation we had though, but I remember that she told me she hoped I got good parents when I leave. She wasn't mean to me at all, which surprised me.
Since the girl left everyone thinks she's dead, I do to honestly. But then again, she could be alive right now doing whatever. I regret bullying her though, but thats in the past and I'm not going to worry about it now.
I got to my door step and unlocked the door, stepping into a messy apartment. The living room had blankets scattered everywhere and food on the tables, the kitchen had cat food spread across the floor. My room was also a mess, my bed hadn't been made and papers from school and writings I've messed up on were all over the floor. I plopped on my bed as my cat Angel hopped up in my lap as I did my home work. She was a white cat with her eyes a light light blue, and has been with me since I was 14. I found her while I was staying in the orphanage, so Sophie said I could keep her. Which, I didn't have parents until I was 15, then I got my own apartment on my 17th birthday right next to my parent's. I don't mind though, because they're actually really nice to me.
Grabbing a pencil from my back pack, I continued to do my homework that I did half of in class. The homework was easy to me, except Social Studies which definitely not one of my favorites. I had home work from each class almost every other day, if not we'd do bunches of work in class. Other than work and bullied, the school in general was alright though. The teachers were pretty nice to me, but I think it's just because they're scared if they weren't I'd hurt them.
Within 20 minutes I was done, and suddenly heard a certain familiar ring in my ear. I sighed as I hopped off the the bed and went out the door, turning the corner of the brick wall, passed the two dumpsters and into an ally way which held the black portal. I stepped in it casually, being used to the tingly feeling it gave me. It brought me to the same familiar place, dark and cold. The ground of this place was made of stone, and the only light that shown were the white and yellow glowing dots when you looked up. They were a little like stars, except there was no sky, no clouds, it was like a dark ceiling really. Stones that had sharp points and stood straight up off the ground surrounded the place. Then, there was a path that glowed golden leading straight to where Kanye was, which is my father. I followed it like usual, looking around this place that was my home. I never knew why I lived on Earth instead of here when I was a child, or why I had no memory of being born in this place. I've asked once, but Kanye would answer me.
I stepped inside the opening of a gray shiny building that the path led to, as my father sat in his throne smiling at me when I walked in. I knew it was fake, his smile could fool anyone but me, I know him too well. I stood in front of him,
"Hello, father. You called me?"
He chuckled, "Is that how you greet your father?"
I stayed silent with a straight face.
"I see.." He nodded.
"Well, I have a..lets say..'mission', for you."
There was no way he was going to make me do one of his chores for him, why can't he do it himself? He's way powerful than me anyway.
"Hah! Yeah, and whats that?"
"I want you to retrieve something for me, son."
I laughed a bit and rolled my eyes, "Look, I'm not some 'dog' that u can just push around and take advantage of me so you can tell me to retrieve something for you!"
He smirked and shook his head, "I see, Phoenix. You have a point, I must admit, but I am your father so I te."
I cut him off, "Since when have you been my father?! You tell me to do things for you, to go retrieve stupid stuff, to go on little 'missions'! But what have you done for me, huh?! Pushing your son around, is not being a father!."
He pushed me into the gray wall at the lightning speed he had, his arms beside of me blocking me from getting out. I wasn't going to try because I already knew I wouldn't win. He looked at me in the eyes with his black orbs, it scared me. I was shaking like the pathetic idiot I was.
"Don't you ever talk to me like that again! You think your tough Phoenix, don't you?! You think you can get away with arguing like that, but as you see you can't! You can't just do anything you want!"
I didn't have anything to say or do, except shake so much from being scared and from feeling the coldness which comes from him. I know he's right, I know I couldn't just argue with him or do whatever I want. There's no point of arguing with him or anyone when I'm wrong, so I wasn't going to fight back. He saw this, and backed up from me but still looking me in the eye.
"So, I suggest you do this for me.."
I nodded, and he continued, "I want you to get me a crystal, but it requires you to go to one of the castles. Once you are there, find a stone of rainbow which will let you in Crystal Cave. The crystal be of a light blue, you'll know which one it is. Once you get out, the shadows will lead you to the portal you need." After he was finished a shewed me off with his hand and walked back to his throne. Without saying a word, I walked off and let the shadows lead me. Here I was again, letting him take advantage of me and doing his little missions.
Though, this mission was different. I could tell it was going to be a long one.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 23, 2019 ⏰

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