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There have been many tales and legends about individuals who were not quite like everyone else around them. Individuals who perceived things differently than the norm. Individuals who uphold their values and fight for what they believe in. Individuals who rose above the rest in order to protect, defend, and/or save the ones they love. These stories have been passed around like marshmallows around a campfire ever since man discovered communication. But over the years, man decided that they started to get bored of these stories. Man wanted something new, something fresh. They made new stories which were breaths of relief from the moral teaching and value planting stories of the old. New stories sometimes feature the bad guy as the protagonist on his journey to either reform, or wreck as much havoc as possible. Man started getting creative. Although man's lust for the extreme and exaggerated decorated the bookshelves, simple stories about peaceful people's lives and values can still be found abundant in any form of media. In fact, these simple, peaceful stories may have predated the more extreme ones.

This story is anything but simple and peaceful. This story is like the legends and fables of the aspiring unstrung heroes of the old. This story is about the courage and sense of justice of the heroes it features. This story is about good-hearted men and women standing up to evil and basking in glory as the astounded commoners cheer them on. Except that it's not. This story is about scum. This story tells the tale of human filth and their unconventional ways of "saving the day". This story is about the very rats of society (that ruin the human race's reputation) trying to vanquish evil just for the heck of it, as they have nothing better to do, as did the writer. This story is filth, as are its characters, its writer, and its readers. If you want a good superhero story pick up a comic book for God's sake. With that being said, the adventures of the depraved, the filthy, and the disgusting are about to begin to hopefully entertain your low standards. You have been warned .

Chapter 1: The Hero

There he stood atop a small coffee shop overlooking a small street with a bank at the far end. Although he remained still and emanated an intimidating, cold, and eerie aura to those who caught a glimpse of him, he was anything but calm and collected at the time. Inside his dark green cloak that concealed his entirety, save for a stray bang of light blue hair, his body was trembling with anxiety and excitement. His fists were clutched and he felt his own nails slowly tear into his palm as his arms vibrated like the strings of a guitar. His legs felt like jelly, swaying along to the fast-paced beat his heart was giving. His cloak was getting a bit wet from his profuse sweating. He knew that a bank robbery was ongoing; he could hear the screams and ruckus from where he stood. All he needed to do was to wait it out a bit longer in order to find the perfect opportunity to jump into the action. He wasn't worried that his prescence might give people quite a shock, but it might be for the best that no one witnesses his "hero's duty". It didn't look like the cops would be arriving soon, and it seemed that nobody had been killed yet, so his dramatic debut was already being set up perfectly. All he needed now was an explosive entrance.

Right as the thought crossed his mind, the rightmost wall of the bank went up in flames as the sound of explosions polluted the previously quiet road. His heart stopped for a second, his body stopped shaking, and his sweat ran still. It was time for his first mission, a warm-up, rather. As the van of the criminals started to accelerate, the myterious figure jumped down from the rooftop, landing on the hood of the vehicle before jumping again and finally landing on a nearby truck. The briefness and unexpectedness of the stunt made the criminal driver stop the vehicle. Since it was an old rusty van and the scheme was an amateur home-made bomb rob and run scenario, it took the driver a while to try and fix what went wrong in the vehicle. The boss of the group, evident by his shiny bald head and huge tatooed arms, furiously went out the rustbucket to give the cloaked stranger a piece of his mind. "Who do you think you are, jackass?" His deep and livid voice sounded like a lion's angry growl. "The people, is anyone dead?" The cloaked stranger said with a coy tone. "What's it matter to you? They should be grateful we didn't leave them in pieces, a gift I won't be giving you!" Red with rage, the burly thug reached for his gun and threateningly aimed at the mysterious figure. "Get out, or get dead, son". "Too nice to kill, huh. This hardly counts as a morning exercise, sunshine." The cocky man announced. He sounded like a hero from the early morning cartoons kids used to watch back in the day with a diction that imposed justice and meant authority but truth be told, he was feeling pretty euphoric to have his first back and forth banter. "What're you gonna do little kid, tell mommy?" The swollen criminal taunted. It couldn't be heard or seen, but the mysterious cloaked man was slightly irritated at this comment but merely after taking a jiffy of recollectment, the stranger felt no anger at all. At this point he's come to terms with everything, and right now he was feeling awesome and he wanted to kick some criminal bottom.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 19, 2018 ⏰

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