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She was a story just begging to be told

She was a book put on a shelf

Because no one had the interest

Of reading her;

She was so young when she felt

Like her life was a living hell

Like her one chance

Was never checked out

At the teller;

She had dreams but did not fulfill them

She was sad hoping for

A good reader

So she could turn the next page;

As dust piled on her heart

She started sinking

Into something darkly wrong

Depression became her she became

depression two worlds colliding into one like a tornado colliding into a abandoned barn;

She felt forgotten like no one was there

She wanted to yell but no one

was close enough to hear,

Her life was a constant drama

No longer did she believe in karma

As if everything she did was wrong

Praying for a constant Love song;

Tried to kill herself in grade 10

A tidal wave of anti-depressants

And a common nickname called Popper

She stopped dreaming, stopped believing

Heart throbbing. eyes watering,

Wrists bleeding, head pounding

Hope falling and then she was gone

No one noticed so she accepted the fact that she was forgotten.

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