you tell him your pregnant

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I was walking back and forth in my small bathroom. I haven't been feeling well and missed my period I was getting worried because last time Harry and I had made love he didn't use protection. We have been married for 2 years but we didn't plan on having children untill a couple years later. We wanted to celebrate being married with no big worries. We both loved kids but I didnt know if right now was the right time.

Right now I was waiting to get results from the pregnancy test I had taken a few minutes ago. When the two lines appeared a smile appeared on my face. I've always wanted to have kids it was a dream of mine, but I was worried what Harry's reaction would be. He was currently at the studio recording some new songs for the album. I checked the time 7pm he would be home any minute. I made myself a quick dinner and sat down on my couch.

Trying to come up with an idea on how to tell him. I didn't have much thinking time before I heard a car pulling up the drive way meaning one thing, Harry was here. Shortly after the door opened and Harry came in shouting "Baby iam home!"

"In the living room, I shouted back,"   he came into the living room with a warm smile and gave me a kiss his warm lips made me for the moment forget what I was supposed to tell him
Once he disconnected our lips he knew something was wrong. He eyebrows frowned in confusion and worry. "What's wrong baby? Are you okay?"

I got up and took a deep breath as he took my hands in his instantly warming them.  "Harry I have to tell you something." He looked down at me since he was taller "Okay, what is it?" I bite my lip and prayed for the best. "Harry iam pregnant" I awaited a "Oh well ok"  a typical reaction from most men, but what I got was something every girl wished for.

Harry's face broke out into a huge smile he immediately picked me up and spun us in circles " I'am going to he a daddy! We're  having a baby! Iam going to be a dad!" he yelled in pure joy. He then set me down and kissed every inch of my face. Some tears formed in his eyes , "I'am going to be a dad we're gonna be parent's we're having a baby," he whispered. You smiled tears in your own eyes from his reaction. "I know" you smiled. He then smiled and kissed you passionately "Baby you make me so happy now we are having a baby, I couldn't ask for a better life.  I Love You " he gently pecked my lips. "I love you too hazza" he then keeled down and lifted my shirt enough to see my stomach where the baby is and he kissed it multiple times "And I love you baby I can't wait to see you in nine months." he kissed it one last time before pulling your shirt down and carrying you upstairs you changed into Harrys shirt and he took everything off untill he was in his boxers he then came on the bed and brought you to his chest and wraped his arms around you and intertwining your legs with his. " I cant wait till we go baby shopping we got to get the babys room ready buy the baby clothes tell our parent's and then the boys and their girlfriends and we gotta start buying a crib and..." he started naming the things you guys needed to do. " Babe we got time we have nine months left" you kissed his chest. He smiled down at you and kissed your head "I know baby... its just iam excited iam going to be a daddy and your gonna be a mommy and iam just happy darling you have no idea how happy you make me I love you so much."

You smiled at his sweet words " I love you , your gonna be a great daddy" he smiled "Your gonna be a great mommy," he then kissed your lips before falling alseep. Wondering how lucky you got to marry such a great guy. The Perfect guy.

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