Part 3: Girl's Night, Interrupted

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   Over the next week, there was no communication between Zak and I.  I worked, took care of my kids and my house, going on with life as normal.   The following weekend, my girlfriends and I met up for a girl's night.  I had kept a tight lip on the past weeks events so as to not draw any unwanted attention.  I hadn't even told my neighbor and she was the one person I confided everything to.  

   We were dressed to the nines and sipping cocktails at a formal event, for someone I had once done an event.  The dancing and giggling was temporarily halted when one of our phones started ringing an unfamiliar song.  We all checked our cells and when no one claimed it to be theirs, I found my friend's gazes were suddenly focused on me.  I pulled out my phone and felt my cheeks burn.  I didn't know the ringtone, but I recognized the number, and excused myself to answer. 

   "Hello?"  I greeted in a flirty, sultry voice.

   "Hi," returned the man's voice.  "Are you doing anything tonight?"

   I giggled a little, trying to keep my voice sexy.  "Well, sort of.  Why?  You want to do something?"  I grinned from ear to ear, looking in the direction of my friends, holding up a finger to gesture one minute.

   "Hmmm."  I could hear faint music in the background.  "I was going to ask you if you wanted to accompany me to a party, but I see you already have three dates."

   "Huh?"  My smile dropped along with my jaw.  "How did you know...?"  I started scanning the room.

   He cleared his voice.  "Behind you," his voice came back.

   I spun slowly to see him leaning against the wall, by the bar, where a couple was nearby as if they were all engaged in conversation.  His smile grew as he dipped his head at me.

   "Hi," I said into the handset, wiggling my fingers in a flirty wave.  I gestured from me to him, asking if he wanted me to join him.  He nodded and hung up, placing his phone in his jacket pocket.  

   As soon as I started in his direction, I was stopped by one of my friends, as she grabbed my arm and pulled me to her.

   "Where are you going?"  She questioned, her eyes glancing down to the end of my path.

   "Over there, of course."  I darted my eyes in his direction

   "Oh. My. Gosh.  Do you know who that is?"  She ran her words in a hurried, sarcastic slur.  "You're going to what, talk to the Playboy?"

   "Yep," I retorted.  "Wanna come say hi?" I teased, returning her sarcasm.

   She blushed.  "You're a married woman.  Don't do anything stupid."  She rolled her eyes and left me to be on my way.

   I threw a look to my other two friends, who were smiling and gesturing for me to go on.  I turned back to him and made my way through the crowd.  When I reached him, he took my glass from me.  I threw him a puzzled look and tried to object, but was unsuccessful at getting my drink back.

   "You clean up nice."  He eyed me up and down.

   "Oh, this old thing?"  I joked, smoothing my hand against the formfitting black cocktail dress with lace sleeves.  I leaned in a bit, "I had some mice and birds on loan from a friend."  I smirked.

   He set my glass on the bar, offered his elbow and led me to a couple, at a table near the dance floor.  "This is my friend, Cassie and her fiancé, Warren.

   I extended my hand and questioned him with my brows.

   "They have a wedding coming up in October and their wedding planner is June.

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