So... I Got Tagged

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Hey so... I got tagged by JadeJusticeJewel13 and uhhh... I've never been tagged before so.... here it goes.
1) Mention who tagged you.
            Did that, okay.
2) Include these rules in the tag.
            Working on it.
3) Do it in less the three days.
            ....... ....... oops ....... 😅
4) Put a title on the tag.
           Ummmm..... okay, done.
5) State ten facts about you.
           TEN?!? Ummmm... okay?
6) Tell a joke.
           Okay that one I can do.

Okay, soooo....

1) I am very artistic, I LOVE to draw

2) Miraculous is my life

3) I am in drama this year, and I LOVE IT SO MUCH!!!!!!

4) I am 16 and am a junior, also, I'm homeschooled!!!! Well... half homeschooled.

5) I love Marvel with a passion, and I died in Infinity Wars. 😰😭

6) Tom Holland and Tom Hiddleston are my favorites, and their characters are also my favorites. (Also Tony cause I mean, Tony freaking Stark man!!)

7) I haven't taken actual PE since 4th grade

8) I'm a hopeless romantic, but only when I want to be.

9) I wish with all my heart I could do a backflip, but I can't, I just can't.But I'd love to learn!! 😄

10) I am writing an original superhero comic with my friends at school and it will be posted once we finish the first chapter under a group account. (Which I will mention once it's posted.)

That's ten right? Okay.... a joke now. I have a plethora of jokes but this is the one I always tell:

What's the difference between weather and climate?

You can't weather a tree, but you can climate!!!

(Don't roll your eyes! That was funny!)

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 19, 2018 ⏰

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