Fear of Leaving

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We left my grandparents and drove to the airport. Once at the airport, we got my ticket, and my mother got an accompany pass to help me find my gate. My gate changed five times in the span of twenty minutes.

Once boarding began, I had to wait. I was in Group 8 of 9. It was finally completely hitting me. I'm leaving. I've never been on a plane before. I've never been away from my family. I am trying not to cry until I get on the plane.

Sadly I didn't make it. The airline informed us that those of us remaking, the last for groups, would have to check our carry ones. This is my breaking point. I burst into tears.

One of the attendants sees this and has my bag checked but will have it delivered to me during my layover.

"Are you okay? Do you still want to go?" My mom asks me as she holds me to her chest.

Everything inside of me wants to scream no, but I know that I can't. All I do is nod.

My mother pushes me into the tunnel at the last call. As I board the plane, I am trying not to cry.

A flight attendant asks me if I'm okay. All I do is nod and keep my head down until I find my seat. I'm in the very back. Last on and last off. Once I'm in my seat, I buckle and get ready for take off. I pop a piece of gum in.

As the plane begins to take flight, I stare out the window, this is amazing. Looking down on the world, getting a new perspective. Flying over Tampa was my favorite part it was so clear and looking down at the boats. It was amazing. We hit turbulence halfway through but nothing bad. As we began to land in Miami it was drizzling.

We were early. This just added to my four hour layover time, no biggie.

Once I was off the plane, I received my carryon bag and ventured into the airport to find my next gate.

As I was making my way to my gate, I was amazed by the amount of stores, and the prices of things. It was at the point when I passed a Victoria's Secret that I had to call my mom.

As we spoke, I found my gate. Once I knew where my gate was, I went to a small store to buy a new pair of headphones, and some food.

I went back to my gate and found a seat, I read until it was time to board. Once I boarded I realized how empty this flight was. It was only two people per each row of three.

This was an overnight flight. Nothing spectacular. However, the entire flight was through a storm, and freezing. There were s few times that the plane would suddenly jolt.

Upon landing at Viru Viru Airport in Santa Cruz de la Sierra, Bolivia, there was a long line for immigration. I got through easily.

Then came the hard part, collecting my bags. Once I got them all, I got in line to go through security once again. It was in this moment that I noticed a text from Tyler. He wanted to know how my flight was.

As I made it through security I went into the hall leading to my new life. I quickly texted my mother telling her I had landed.

As I made my way out into the open. I heard screaming and was enveloped in a hug and having something soft shoved into my hands.

This was my new family. Screaming and loud. All speaking and buzzing. I just kept nodding and following them until we made it to the car.

Once we were leaving the airport, they were off in their own world and forgetting I was there.

When we left the airport it was dark, it was light by the time we arrived at their home.

The first thing I noticed was the electric fence surrounding it. I was rushed into the house and up to my room. My bags were brought up by my new father, Pablo after I was repeatedly told not to worry about them. I quickly began to unpack as my new sister smelled everything and my new mother brought me breakfast.

My sister would be staying with me all day to get me settled. And then it would just be me at home, until January.

My sister left my room to go sleep. I finished unpacking and felt as though I was going to collapse.

I fell onto my bed and wrapped up on the foot blanket, but did not get under the covers. The first time I was sleeping in the last 30 hours.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 05, 2019 ⏰

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