Chapter two

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Emma's pov

Beep beep beep the first thing I hear when I first wake up. My vision is blurry and I'm trying to speak but nothing comes out.

"Niall?" I managed to get out.

Niall was right there and you could tell that he had been crying for a bit.

"Yes angel" he said very nurturing.

"What all happened well when you got shot the bullet skinned your arm and went into your side but they got it out and they will keep you here a few days for observation."

"Oh wow, some wedding day" I joked

"Bryan will not bother us for awhile he is jail so I think we will be okay." Niall said

"Thank God" I said.

"Now I want you rest so we can go on our honeymoon" Niall said kissing me.

Obviously I did what I was told and I slept for a while.

The two days went by fast then I imagined and I had a few visitors here and there. Niall was there and today was the day I was being released.

"Mrs. Horan, is there anything else you need?" The nurse asked.

"No" I said

Inside I was really happy she called me Mrs. Horan it was big deal in my book. Niall walked me to the car and helped me in and closed my door and got in and we left the hospital.

"We are going on our honeymoon in a week so be ready!" Niall said happily.

"Where are we going?" I asked

"That's a surprise" he said deviously.

We pulled into the driveway and Niall helped me inside and laid on the couch and fell asleep very comfortably.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 11, 2015 ⏰

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