So this was supposed to be saved until I hit 300 followers but I got bored so I decided to do it now! ENJOY!
1. What are you wearing right now?
Black briefs and my "I am so gay I shit rainbows" Shirt
2. Ever been in love?
Yes, but he doesn't know.
3. Ever had a terrible break up?
Only the ones i've caused ;3.
4. How much do you weigh?
like, 170-180, idk.
5. how tall are you? (Fucked up the order a bit)
6. Do you have any tattoos?
No, but I want a ton.
7. Do you have any piercings?
I plan on getting an earring and a tongue piercing.
8. Do you have an OTP?
DexHD, duh, they're hot as fuck.
9. What is your favourite Television show?
Fairy Tail, even though some people might not consider anime TV.
10. Favourite Band/Artist?
Paramore, Panic! At the Disco, P!nk, Whitney Houston, etc.
11. Something you miss?
People, my dog
12. Favourite song?
Perfect by P!nk
13. How old are you?
15, going on 16 (sound of music)
14. Zodiac sign?
Sagitarrius, but I kinda wish I was a Leo
15. Quality you look for in a partner?
Nice, kind, will be able to put up with my bullshit XD
16. Favourite quote?
"Be yourself, be the person that you can be the best, and as long as it doesn't hurt somebody, then don't give a fuck who says otherwise," SSoHPKC.
17. Favourite actor?
Vic Mignogna, Wendee Lee (Konata Suzumi, Haruhi Suzumiya), Michelle Ruff (Yuki Nagato, Minama Iwasaki)
18. Favourite Colour?
Black, Purple, Rainbow ;3
19. Loud music or soft?
Loud when I'm feeling upset or really energetic and soft when i'm feeling tired.
20. Where do you go when your sad?
I hide under my blanket on my bed XD.
21. How long does it take you to shower?
usually anywhere between 30-45 minutes, because I really hate dirtiness and try to get as clean as possible.
22. How long does it take you to get ready in the morning?
30 minutes if I just change and brush my teeth and hair, an hour if I shower.
23. Ever been in a physical fight?
Nope, i'm a pussy.
24. Turn on?
Niceness and caring
25. Turn off?
Assholes (not the ones on the body) and bitchiness.
26. The reason I joined wattpad:
(Confession time) Okay, well, this is something i've never told anyone, I actually started out wattpad with One direction instead of the creatures, but I only read, I didn't write it. In fact, this is the same account that I used when reading that stuff. So, yeah, um, embarrassing...
27. Fears?
Spiders, Clowns, Drowning.
28. Last time you got upset? Why?
Like, a week ago because someone said something that offended me.
29. Last time you said "I love you"?
My mom or something, I don't have a boyfriend yet okay?
30. Meaning behind your wattpad name?
...I'm a boy (Mr) I like cats (cat) and I have a face (Face)
31. Last book you read?
I think it was the Harry Potter series like a few weeks ago.
32. Book your currently reading?
If I stay?
33. Last show you watched?
Fullmetal Alchemist.
34. Last person you talked to?
Ani, Domi, Saffron, and Rhi
35. The relationship between you and the last person who you texted?
My sister.
36. Favourite food?
Pizza *moans loudly*
37. Place you want to visit?
Texas and Washington
38. Last place you were?
Birthday Party
39. Do you have a crush?
Yes, and like every crush i've ever had, he has to be straight with a girlfriend *Cris evry tim*
40. Last time you kissed someone?
For real, Never XD.
41. Last time you were insulted?
Over a week ago, I don't remember why.
42. Favourite flavour of sweet?
*spongebob creepy guy voice* CHOOOOOCOLLLAAAAATTEEEE!
43. What instrument do you play?
My voice, my sexy sexy voice ;3
44. Favourite piece of jewellery (JEWGEL- I mean wat)?
The skull and cross bone tongue piercing I bought.
45. Last sport played?
I don't normally play sport, but Swimming.
46. Last song you sang?
The kill by 30 seconds to mars.
47. Favourite chat up line?
"Hey, are you from the dollar store? You look nice and easy"
48. Have you used it?
Hell no I wouldn't use that on someone that's rude XD.
49. Last time you hung out with someone?
Last Friday night (Shut up Katy Perry)
50. Who should answer these questions next?
I just finished this so I can go to bed, fuck yall.