Chapter 1

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I take a big breath of the fresh air, and spread my wings wider. There is nothing as wonderful as spring mornings. The cool air, stinging my cheeks, adding colour to my face. The glowing sun, working it's way up over the edge of the horizon. The birds, chatting each other up, then suddenly becoming silent as a predator is getting too close. So calm, so peaceful.

With a sigh, I take a last look around me, take in the enormity of the sky. Imagine that if I just flew high enough, I'd be able to see all the way to my familys estate. Maybe even to Orynth. Then I dive. I'm out flying every day, but I have to come back for breakfast, or my teachers force me to do morning chores. I get to clean up at the horses, clean the classrooms, or making breakfast. It's awful. Not the chores themselves, but the fact that if I do them, I miss my dawn flyings.

Three metres over the ground, I shift, and do a backflip, landing on the grass on the edge of my toes. The trick I learned from the shapeshifting teacher, Nounse. Sadly, I can't shift all the way to a bird. I can only grow those black wings out.

Well, only and only. I think it's pretty cool. But my family don't. Especially not dad. He was really disappointed when I didn't show the same wind magic as Rose did. Rose, my wonderful bigger sister, so much better, smarter and prettier. I think I got some of the wind magic, though. Even without my wings, I can jump higher and longer than anyone. I fall slower. I can hold my breath for almost half an hour. But my magic doesn't affect anyone else, and I can't control it.

I don't have an animal shape, either. All other Fae has. My dad's shape is an eagle, Rose's is a human. Or, some of my teachers says that the wings are my second shape. But it doesn't feel like that. I still have my face, my pointed ears, my arms and legs and clothes. The wings don't replace anything, they just grow.

The sun rises over the trees, and I swiftly look down. I ought to go back now. With long steps I make the path down to the school. I flew two miles this morning. Usually I only fly one and a half, so now I'm really in a hurry. I take even faster steps.

The dining hall is the biggest room in the school. It has a head table, for the teachers and our headmaster, Ushnae. As I walk past the table, Nounse gives me an angry look. Oops. Hope that I won't get any chores for being - I check the clock - three minutes late. I give her a bright smile and walk a bit faster towards the table where Ani, Lenéa and Sahu sits.

"Hi" Ani gives me a bright smile, and I smile back.

"How was your dawn flying?" Sahu asks.

"Great. But I think Nounse might be angry on me for being late..."

"Nah. Three minutes' nothing. She wont give you any chores"

"Hope you're right" I put down my plate on the table.

"Ewww! How cann you eat that?" Lenéa chuckles at Ani's reaction.

"Come on, darling, it's porridge. Yummy!" She teases.

"Yeah, it tastes good, gets you full fast, and best of all" I glance towards Nounse "I'll finish it fast, so she can't complain"

"Well, I still wouldn't eat it" Ani protests. Lenéa gives her a kiss, and then quickly changes subject, and as they talk weekend plans, my thoughts drifts away. I think about last Juls, when I was home. Rennie had grown so much, and next week he'll turn eleven. I must remember to write him a letter. Sometimes I regret that I am on this school. It's so far away, I'm only home at Juls and on the summers. Two months til I get to see them. But the magic here is wonderful. I get to use my magic, and I learn to read and write, and I can see other peoples magic. I wouldn't leave it for anything.

The first chapter is out! Did you like it? If you did, please consider giving it a vote. Also, any feedback would really be welcome!


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