Chapter 2

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The moment I lift my foot over the threshold, black feathers starts to grow out on my back. I lift my second foot too, and the feet don't come down. As the others sits down on the floor or leans against walls, I fly to the lamp hanging from the roof and makes myself comfortable. The sound of my flapping wings calms me down, but I know this lesson's going to be anything but calm.

"Everyone's comfortable?" Nounse greets us. Everyone answers "yes" or "yeah". "Great" Nounse says "That's gonna change. Today, we'll focuse on forming magic. Controlling it. You guys with fire or water magic, try to shape it in hearts, stars, whatever forms you'd like. Winds, make the air swirl in shapes. Earths, I have some plants here. Make them grow in shapes. Do we have any shape shifters in this class?" Her eyes stuck on me "No, of course not. Go on, everyone" As everyone else starts playing with their magic, Nounse goes toward me.

"What am I supposed to do?" I asks her. Nounse choses to ignore the question. 

"Come down here" My wings flaps slower and I sink till I'm floating just centimeters above the floor. "Did you fly this morning?"

"Yes. Two miles"

"That's why you were late?" I nod. "Well, we have an hour more here, perhaps you could fly another tour?"


"I mean, if you wanna practice control, you could do some of the exercises I thaugt you, but there's really not much I can teach you right now" 

"Yeah, fine" Another nod. 

"Great. And don't be late!" I just nod again and flies towards the open window. Just as I can feel the air trough my hair, the window slams shut. I spin around, and see Rose giggling. I sigh. My sister never misses a chance to tease me. Can't say I'm better, though. I push up the window and swiftly flies out. 

I fly higher and higher, the wind roaring around me. It wasn't this windy at dawn. After a while, I look down, and realize how high up I am. The school is so small that I can't see the people walking down there. I don't think I've ever flown this high before. Tears are filling my eyes, I'm not used to this heavy wind, not used to being this far up. It's colder here, too. Even though I wear a pullover, I'm freezing. Perhaps I should go down and do those exercises. 

But no. Now that I'm up here, I wanna see how high I can fly. I can see the clouds clearly above me, I'm almost at them. What if I could fly so high? I remember last summer, when Rennie and I lay on the grass, staring up in the sky. It was clear summer blue, and the clouds were white and fluffy. 

"Esla, look at that cloud! It looks like a chair!"

"Yeah, and that one as a mushroom"

"Look, a dragon!"

"Know what I can see?"


"Maybe you need to see it clearer, then!" I quickly rises and lifts him up on my back. Then I grow the wings out and flies up. Rennie screams of happiness. He loves to fly on my back.

"Higher, Esla, higher" But it's hard to fly high with extra weight. Not as hard as flying is now tho. The sun is shining, it's hot. Well, now I'm freezing. Now? When is now? I take a deep breath, but it's not the fresh air I can see before me, it's cold air, with hardly any oxygen in. Rennie is too heavy. I land on the ground with him. Only that I don't land. I keep falling, through the ground, and everything is black. Funny how the wind can soar past me, even though I can't see it.

Now I can't feel it either. 


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