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  "FREAK!" someone screamed but, I didn't care what I was to them. I walked over to my locker and started to put in my combination "Kalie!" someone screamed. I wasn't sure who it was considering everyone here hates me. I looked over to see my best freind standing their "oh my god!" I screamed. By this point everyone was stairing at me but, I really didn't care. "Ringggg" "I have to go" I said "see you after school!"  I ran down the hall way "I can not be late again!" I think to myself.  I stepped in the door right as the bell rang. "Hey everyone the goth actually has freinds!" one of the preps said everyone started laughing. "Puppet" I snarl at her as I take my seat just as  the teacher walked in. "Does anyone have a current event to share?" mrs.kaine asked "I do" i said almost screaming. "Kalie do you have something to share?" "umm..y-yes ma'm" I said stuttering "Ok go ahead" she replied "Well i'm really hurt  by what is happening in syria" I said. "Hey everyone the goth is also a geek!" I heard one of the preps say. "I can not take this anymore!" I think to myself and before  I know it I had grabbed one of the preps by her neck and slammed her against the wall. "I can not take this anymore!!" I screamed as I ran out of the room.  I didn't know where I was running or what I was going to do I just kept running. Finally I  made it to my car I got in, slammed the door, and called my best freind. 

Me: "Hey something happened so just meet me at my house." 

Him: "What happened?"

Me: " I'll explain" 

I drove as fast as I could to my house. He was already there my best freind, ryan. "What's wrong?" he asked. " I-I hurt someone pretty bad." i said crying  "It's ok kal They'll forgive you I promise" He replied. "Ryan I-t-they didn't like me to beging with." I  replied choking back tears. "Then why are you crying kalie? "  I just sat their sobbing for hours until I was awoken by what sounded like gun shots. I ran to the door only to relise it was not gun shots but, rocks. "Puppets" I sneer under my breath.  "Kalie what are you doing?" my brother asked  I just jerked my head towards the door. " Oh My God who did this?" he asked. "Puppets" I sneer "What"  he asked "Oh nothing." I replied. 

The next day:

"Did you hear? Kalie pushed amanda against the wall!" one girl said.  "Hey" I heard someone say "What now!" I replied. I turned around only to relize it was ryan. "Sorry ryan!" I said  "It's ok kal." he replied. Kal. He had always called me that. "Kalie are you ok?" I heard someone say."Yeah I'm ok." I replied taking a seat."Hey everyone the goth kid is back!" amanda sneered. Everyone just laughed. "Yeah and look she has a freind" one kid screamed. That was enough for ryan."Hey everyone" He screamed "My Best freind Is a strong girl who isn't afraid to be different!" he yelled. Everyone laughed again. Ryan and I just sat there like nothing ever happened. We looked up to see everyone stairing at us. 

Ryans veiwpoint:

I looked up to find everyone stairing at us. I just went back to eating and so did kal Kal. I had always called her that. "Ryan i'm really sorry you had to go through that." kalie said. "Do you go through that every fucking day?" I asked "Yep" she replied popping the P. "Kalie summers you're need in the office." The intercom says  "Ugh!! What now?" she screamed   "Well i guess I have to go now." "See ya later." I  replied. 

kalies veiwpoint:

 As i walk in to the office I  hear "Ryan manty please come to the office." "Shit" I say under my breath. Just then ryan walks in. "Ryan, Kalie please come in."  We walk in hesitently "Please sit down." Principle martgomery said. Principle martgomery. I had always hated him! always.  We walked over to his desk and sat down. "What is this about?" Ryan asked annoyed. " It's about what happened in the lunch room." Mr.Montgomery replied "Yeah what about it?" I asked  "you guys caused quite a scene." He replied "How?!" Ryan asked almost screaming. "You almost screamed at amanda  mr.manty and you stood on a table!" he replied  Ryan just sighed. "Can we go now?" I asked as we walked towards the door. "Not so fast!" Mr. montgomery says "You guys have a week detention." he replied handing us the slips. " FUCK IT!" I scream down the hallway. "Hey goths!" amanda screamed. "What does she want now?!" Ryan sneered  Just then Amanda walks over. "Hey goths are you like a thing now?" "uhm... Hell NO!" I screamed Amanda then turns her attention to Ryan. "I knew you would never date that slut!" she said with a smirk on her face. "Lets go Ryan."  I said "NO! we are staying right here! ryan replied pulling me back "What's wrong Ryan?" Amanda asked  "Look, Amanda she is not a "Slut" Or "emo" or "goth" she's just kalie!" Ryan screamed back "Omg Ryan how sweet.. NOT!" amanda  replied.

Ryans P.O.V.

"OMG Ryan how sweet... NOT! amanda sneered. That was enough for me I stood there frozen for a minute figuring out what to do before but  i knew it i was braking up a fight. "KALIE!  I screamed as she fell to the floor.  Everyone was gone except me, kalie, and amanda. I look up to see amanda in my face "What do you want?" I sneer  "you are the reason she's laying here" I reminded her  Kalie! i remebered grabbing my phone.

At the hospital:

kalies P.O.V.

"Ryan what the hell happened?" I asked him "You were in a fight with Amanda then you just dropped." He replied. Amanda. I remebered how that day had gone down perfectly up to the fight. "Ryan?" I asked "Yeah kalie?" "How the hell am i supposed to serve my detention not like i give a shit." I asked  "Kalie I know you don't give a shit I just think you miss school!" Ryan replied "Uhm..HELL NO! Ryan you miss me i can tell!" "Of course i do! I hate being in that hell hole alone!" he replied.  "Ryan get me out of here!!" I screamed! "Ok!" He replied smirking. He grabbed me and slung me over his shoulder "Sir put the pacient down!" A nurse screamed  "Never!" Ryan screamed running for the door. 

School the next day..

"Hey Ry-oh"  "Save it amanda!" He replied amanda snarled as she walked away. "What is her problem??" I asked "I don't know." He replied "Hey are we gonna hang out today?"he asked "Yeah but first i gotta get to class!" I said sighing I ran for the door making it barely in time.  "Goth!" everyone screamed when I walked in. I hate living in a small town, hate it. I felt a  sharp pain in the back of my head "Oww!" I scream. Everyone just laughed.  "It's not funny!" I scream running out of the room. I turned a corner and ran into someone I wasn't sure who it was. "I'm so sorry!" I say "Kal It's me you don't have to be sorry." he replies

Ryans P.O.V.

I was walking down the hall when i was blind sided by someone. "I'm so sorry!" she said I knew that voice anywhere it was kalie.  "Kal it's me you don't have to be sorry." I replied. "Ryan!" she screamed "Today was terrable!  "why was it so terrable?" I asked.

Kalies P.O.V.

"Today was terrable!" I exclaimed "why was it so terrable?" Ryan asked. "The prepps threw shit at my head. Hell one even through an unravled paper clip at me!" I replied "Oh No not again!" ryan replied "What?"  I asked "The cops!" we both scream. Why would they call the cops? oh right. "Hello i'm looking for a kalie summers." The cop said "You got her." I replied annoyingly  "Ok come with me." He replied  "Fine." I replied following him.  "Where's ryan!" I asked him "He's nextdoor." The cop replied. "What is this about?!" I screamed  why did I  even ask that? I knew what this was about.  "This is about me slamming that kid agaist the wall isn't it?" I asked "Yes it is Kalie, what pushed you to that point?" He asked. "Hmm...lets see..They've been bullying me for as long as I can remeber." I replied "What do you want with ryan?" I asked him annoyed  "We wanted to know what he saw; oh and kalie you can go now." "Thanks" I replied storming out of the room. I'm running again. I find myself runing way too often. Where am i running to? Oh right. my car. I got to my car and slammed the door behind me.  

The next day:

"Hey guys the goths were questioned by the cops!" Someone screams. I'm so done with this shit just then ryan walks in. "They're at it again?" he asks "Yep." I say popping the P. "Hey goths!" someone screamed. "Should we just shut up and sit down?" I asked. "Nope." Ryan replied popping the p.  Sometimes I wonder why Ryan still tries. These kids will never stop bullying us. Suddenly I find myself in the middle of a fist fight. "Not again!" Ryan screams pulling me off of the girl. 

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 12, 2012 ⏰

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