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I.... Could feel myself afloat,  I couldn't see anything, I couldn't hear anything, and yet I could feel myself approaching something or someone.

I couldn't feel my eyes though, nor my ears or any other part of the body.  It almost felt like I was part of Air, just floating.

Maybe.... I am dead.....

Then I felt pain,  excruciating pain right in the center of my head, I could feel something pulling me down, like gravity... But stronger. 
My senses  were coming back to me, I could... Breathe.

I opened my eyes to bright white light blinding my eyes. I tried to block the light by covering my face with my hands, but my hands felt different.. Looked different. My skin colour was changing at every moment it looked like someone was painting my hand, and the paint was spreading all over, I brought my hands closer to my face, staring at them, the fingers were longer, at some point the colour on my hands stopped changing, it was a really dark colour, darker than black, contrasting to the white light.

I could see blue nerves sprouting on them, I could see the blue fluid moving in it. I looked around and found myself wrapped in a white gown, I could feel my legs now and got up from my sleeping position.
The gown was tightly wrapped around my still skinny body making my legs immovable , making me look skinnier.

I looked around to see myself sitting on a hospital bed in a room which looked like it had no ending, the whole place was lit with the extreme white light whose source could not be seen.

I tried to get up from my bed and move around, my body felt extra heavy but when I  tried to touch my feet on the ground I found out that I couldn't feel it, as if the floor is an illusion, I stood up and felt like I was floating somewhere.

I tried to open my mouth but couldn't, I tried to touch my face with my hand and found I could not feel my mouth or nose as if I never had one.  I tried to scream but couldn't.

After a lot of attempts of screaming I gave up and tried to look around. I dragged my feet not having any idea as to where I was going.

I think I had walked for a mile, but still couldn't see a wall, or a ceiling, just the extreme light and the chessboard floor which I couldn't feel under my feet.

I have gone mad. I knew that for sure.  I was standing on nothing looking at nothing and feel nothing.

Before I could loose hope, I saw something, moving. I walked towards it and saw it get bigger and bigger.
It was a wall, I think.
And it was getting bigger, it was a big black wall with no ending, I touched it and for the first time felt something. The texture was that of a granite and it was moving.
Small granite pieces were moving on the wall, after concentrating for a while I could see that these small granite pieces were forming into different types of symbols but disintegrating quickly. At one point I could see me, the me before I died.
I tried to get a closer look and saw myself in a retail store with the four men taking the girl away from me as I stood their paying for the items at the counter.
But that is not what happened.
I see as the granite like particles disintegrate  and form another scene, it was me again but I did not stop at the gas station, again the granite particles dissolved, these scenes kept showing me the many ways I could have save myself.
' what you are looking at is the wall of fate,  what you see are the infinitely many consequences of your decision, the number choices you could have made to save yourself from dying, every soul sees its own consequences, meaning I can't see yours and you can't see mine '.

I turned around in shock and saw a young blonde haired boy in his pre- teens, he wore black jeans and a normal blue long sleeved shirt and looked really bored.

'where am i',  I ask.

' This place is where we keep all stolen souls for our benefits. ' he says smirking, he has a really deep husky voice as compared to his small pre-teen body.  
' is this some joke?I don't believe into things like this Just tell me where I am and let me go'. I shout at the boy. He ignores me and keeps talking,  ' this universe harvests gazillion souls for energy to manufacture the same amount of souls, some of these souls loose their path, all I do is  borrow these souls when they die in the third dimension World. '

'why? ', I ask intrigued by his explanation.

' Every lost or stolen soul is considered to be precious because no soul just looses it's way to heaven or hell as you humans call it,and if found by other beings who live inside or outside of this universe they can do some really bad things to them, so to protect them from all this and  give proper training to these positive balls of energy or souls  they  can become some real valuable gems needed to create,  design, destroy and protect this universe',
He looks around him and says,
'this is devenverse a home to all lost and stolen souls of the world and my name is death'.


I am trying to build a nice plot here, and I feel it's not good at all😐......
Everything is a work of fiction
Thank you soo much for who ever reads this 😅

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 26 ⏰

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