F i n a l

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"Kim Taehyung, I only allow you to call me on such hours when you're on the verge of death, which you don't seem to be. What are you up to?" Yoongi's sleep-laced, and absolutely annoyed voice echoed through his room.

Taehyung just chuckled, unfazed by his hyung's annoyed tone.

"Nothing much, Yoongi hyung. Can I ask something though? The convenience store near you, the one down the street, it's open 24/7 right?"

"Are you serious, Taehyung? Calling me at 3 in the morning just to ask if the convenience store down the street is open? Are you drunk?"

"Hyung, just answer the question please?" Taehyung whined.

Yoongi sighed. This kid really.

"Yes, Tae. It's ope–"

"Really hyung? That's great! Dress warmly, I'll be over in 5! And, you can't lock me out I have a spare key. See you, Yoongi hyung!" Taehyung's cheerful voice chirped and he hung up before Yoongi could finish his sentence.

Yoongi sighed. Well, there goes his well deserved sleep. He knows that with Taehyung's spontaneous adventures before, he'd surely drag him up to the damn convenience store if he has to. Exchanging his pajama pants to comfortable jeans and wearing a cardigan to counter the cold outside, he waited for Taehyung on the living room while lazily scrolling through his phone.

Not even 5 minutes later, a loud knock was heard from the door. Grumbling profanities, Yoongi opened the door to see Taehyung with his boxy smile.

"What did I say about involving me with your 'adventures' Kim Taehyung?" Yoongi asked. The younger one just smiled sheepishly and linked his arm with Yoongi's, dragging him to the road after making sure the house is locked.

All throughout the walk Yoongi kept on pestering Taehyung, asking him about his hidden agenda, which he only smiled to.

"Seriously, Kim Taehyung, what possessed you to just drag me out of bed, me of all people, and to a convenience store, to eat instant ramyun?"

Taehyung just grinned at him, in his hands two newly cooked instant ramyun. He ushered them to a set and sat next to him, setting the foil bowl in front of his hyung. Without another word, he started eating his ramyun.

Knowing that he's not gonna answer his questions soon, Yoongi started digging on his own food, not realizing that he's actually hungry.

"Hyung, do you wanna know why I called you to eat ramyun at this hour with me?" Taehyung asked, his stare at his food.

"Because you're Kim Taehyung. That's why." Yoongi scoffed.

Taehyung laughed, almost choking on his own spit, before shaking his head.

"Well, you're not wrong about that. But the real reason is because..." Taehyung couldn't finish his sentence, opting to look down with a blush evident on his cheeks.

"What is it, Taehyung-ah? Whatever your reason is, I'm sure it's not as spontaneous as your adventures." Yoongi urged the younger one.

"Min Yoongi hyung, I love you, and I'd love to spend my spontaneous adventures with you."

Silence. Only the sound of another costumer slurping his own ramyun can be heard.

"Kim Taehyung."

"Yeah, hyung?"

"I love you too."

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