Chapter 11:

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  • Dedicated to To all my wonderful readers!! Keep reading!! Trust me it gets better!!

Damon's POV:

Its been three days since I'd seen Maryanne. The last time I saw her was whenever she said she was going to eat, but since then I haven't seen her. Elena got out, because the charm must have been broken some how. Now I stand by the fireplace hoing Maryanne might come walking in with a huge smile on her face. I remeber whenever she just born.

Damon was 5, Stefan was 3, Maryanne was just 5 weeks old.

I held her in my shaky arms, and smiled at her. Her eyes were the same color as mine, her hair was the same color as Stefan's and her face looked just my mother did. Big lips, fluffly cheeks, very pretty. "What do you think Damon?" I heard my father ask me.

"Scared." I said. I looked up at him and then back down at my baby sister.

"What shall we name her?" his father asked.

"What about Maryanne?" I said. My father nodded his head,

"That will work." my father said. She started to cry, and I sang her a song that my mother used to sing to me to calm me down. After awhile her tears turned into quiteness and sleep. I held her in my arms another while before carefully taking her to her room and laying her down on the bed.

"Sweet dreams Maryanne." I smiled before walking out.

Damon is 15, Stefan is 13, and Maryanne is 10 years old.

"DAMON! STEFAN! WAIT FOR ME!" I heard Maryanne shout from behind me. I stopped and waited for her and to also catch my breath. We've been chasing each other around for the past hour, waiting for the doctor to say mother is all better. Finally Maryanne caught up to me, she jumped on my back, and did a giggle. "Ride horsey! RIde!" she shouted. Finally I did my best horse impression and started to chase Stefan. When I felt the wieght come off my back, I stopped and turned around and saw Maryanne laying on the grassy ground, tears flowing from her blue eyes.

"Shh," I said, grabbing her bloody wound. Stefan came running up, "Go grab a bange for Maryanne's knee." He nodded and ran. "Your alright." I whispered to her. I hated seeing my little sister like this hurt, or broken. It always crushed me. Stefan came back, I wrapped up her owie and picked her back up to where it was like whenever I first held her. I carried her to the playhouse in the back yard, where I set her down on the floor.

"Thank you Damon and Stefan." she yawned. Before we knew it Maryanne was asleep on the floor. I grabbed a little blanket and wrapped it around her shoulders.

"Damon," Stefan said. "Your gonna make a great father one day." Stefan smiled. I did want to be a father of at least 4 or 5 little kids.

"Thank you Stefan." I said. I sat outside on the grass next to the playhouse, I couldn't leave Maryanne outside asleep alone. The next morning came to quickly, Maryanne and Stefan jumped on me. "How's mother?" I asked. Neither of them answered. I decided to go see for myself, as I started to walk in, I saw my father crying, and the doctor patting his shoulder. "Father, is mother alright?" I asked.

"No Damon, she died while giving birth." my father cried. We had another boy, named Herny Salvator. He grew up, never got married, and died at the age of 85.

I stood tall as I walked outside to see Maryanne and Stefan playing. "Whats wrong Damon?" Maryanne asked.

"OK both of you need to cry, understand. Mother is dead. But Herny is fine." I said. Maryanne started to bawl as for Stefan he tried to stay strong but needed up crying.

A voice took me out of my thoughts, it was Elena. "You guys never told me you had a little brother." Elena said.

"Did Stefan tell you?" I asked.

"He slipped out his name."

"Well, he isn't a vampire, we were going to change him whenever he got to about Stefan's age. But whenever we asked him, he denied it. And died." I said. "Have you seen Maryanne Elena?" I asked her.

"No. I heard she's missing..." Elena said.

"Yeah she is. And no one's looking for her. I tried Elijah but, he didn't answer." I said, looking at the fireplace. Just then the doorbell rang, I opened it up to find Elijah. "What do you want?" I asked.

"I heard Maryanne's missing." he said. "May I come in?" I nodded. He walked in and sat on the couch. "I want to help find her."

"Well we've checked the local chamber's she's nowhere to be found." I said.

"Here's what I was thinking. We could call Bonnie, and we could do the tracker spell." Elijah said. Why didn't I think of that, I thought.

"I'll call Bonnie." Elena said. I sat down across from Elijah.

"Why are you helping us Elijah?" I asked.

"Because I love Maryanne." he said.

"She's coming over, just get some of your blood ready." I ran to the kitchen, cut my wrist, and put the blood into a bottel. When the doorbell rang, I opened it to see Bonnie. Her dark skin was worn out and her brown eyes screamed sleep. She set down a map of Mystic Falls, and then an America map. I looked at her.

"What? Just in case she's not longer in Mystic Falls. Blood." I handed her the bottle, she started on the Mystic Falls map. She mumbled some words, the blood didn't move. "She's not in Mystic Falls." Then she dropped some blood on the USA map, mumbled some words, and the blood started to move towards, Orange Country, California.

"What the? Why is she all the way in California?" Damon asked.

"Well lets get going shall we?" Elijah asked. I grabbed my coat, as Stefan came down the stairs.

"I'm coming with you guys." I nodded. And we got into the car and got ready to go.

Maryanne Salvator.(Damon and Stefan's little sister)EDITING!Where stories live. Discover now