TTDAC Day 4- Anime you're most ashamed of to like

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Day 4: Anime you're most ashamed of to like

Whenever I tell people I kind of like anime this either somewhat agree or
think I'm on something. They say it's the bottom of the anime scale or whatever. High school of the dead has a very nice running plot and stuff. It's not really unique with the whole zombie apocalypse post apocalyptic thing, but it's goooood. The thing I don't like like that Takeshi, the main guy is in this dojo thing with a girl and they start kissing and all of that and I'm like you better not frickle frackle because his childhood best friend that's a girl that LIKES him and he LIKES back is somewhere completely different worried about him (they got separated from the group for a night) I was like NU Y U DO DIS, but I think they did it..le sigh~

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