Chapter 7

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"Life consists not in holding good cards but in playing those you hold well."

-Josh Billings

Cole, Kuo and Rush hurried to the local police station where the helicopter had landed. They hid against the eastern wall where the soldiers wouldn't immediately notice them when they came through the exit.

Only seconds later came Torin and Julia around the west corner.

"Good to see you again, officer," greeted Rush.

"Likewise, Eddy."

"Actually, it's 'Rush' now."

Torin gave him a confused glance. "So I leave for half an hour and you already gave yourself a superhero name?"

"Yeah. Is there something wrong with that?"

"Only that it's childish and irrelevant."

"Hey, excuse me if I cope with trauma differently than you."

"Knock it off," Cole hushed them. "If you want to argue, do it in the chopper."

Hearing the sound of rushed footsteps, Torin instinctively turned to investigate and scowled as Richard came from the back alley to join them. His eyes immediately darted to the stains on his shirt.

"Do I want to know why you have blood all over you?"

"Don't we have more pressing matters to worry about than your curiosity?" shot back the other, not willing to divulge his private activities. He received an evil glare in return. Ignoring it, he looked to Cole and whispered, "What's the plan?"

"There's four of them surveying the inside and the pilot's still on the roof. We need to wait for them to come out so you guys can get up to the chopper without getting their attention."

"You haven't even seen them yet," Torin pointed out. "How could you know how many of them there are?"

"Everyone has a weak electric current in their bodies. I can sense it just like any other electrical equipment."

Rush grinned. "You can do that? Cool."

"And what are you going to be doing?" asked Richard.

"Once they're clear, Kuo will head up to the roof and take out the pilot." Cole directed his attention to her. "You've gotta be quick. If he calls for help, we could have more reinforcements coming than we can handle."

"Shouldn't be too difficult," she said with confidence.

"Once he's down, you four need to head up to the roof and wait for us to finish up with the others. Otherwise, they'll warn whoever's in charge to look for a blackhawk coming from New Marais."

"You make it sound so easy..." said Torin doubtfully.

"Just stay out of sight, let Kuo and I do all the work and we'll be home free."

Julia bit her lip and cradled her hands. "Cole? Can I tell you something?"

He glanced back. "Make it quick."

"My dad wasn't in New Marais when the explosion came. He was injured a few days ago when he was called from Iraq to fight the monster. I haven't heard from him since."

He turned further. "Your father's in the military?"

"Yeah. I don't know if he's dead or not, but if he's alive he might be one of these soldiers." She squeezed her fingers together. "...You're not going to kill them, are you?"

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